The time has come to forget all the bullshit and ROCK!
#310101 by quakegod667
Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:09 pm
Lemurfist wrote:Oh and just so the powers that be know... I did contact Andreas Katsambas about this. He spoke to the staff, got me a formal apology, and offered me a t-shirt. So he made it as right as possible with a TARDIS.

Enjoy waiting forever for that to arrive. I still haven't gotten a response of any sort for my Sun shirt.
#310410 by Lemurfist
Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:44 am
If anyone is having issues with an order placed through The Omega, contact with your order number and he will look into it. Please note that I am not in their employ. Just been telling Dev fans to use the dudes for years and feel a sense of responsibility to the community.
#310835 by B-Man
Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:00 pm
I sent support@theendrecords and email earlier in the week and just got this response,

Due to an international shipping issue all orders were delayed and they were all recently reshipped. You should be receiving your order shortly.


Still waiting for my order to arrive.. (Aus)
#314448 by LicoriceLain
Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:04 am
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Random Epicloud related thought, I wonder what Dev will play from this album the next time he tours here? Other than Lucky Animals and Kingdom, that is.

Probably "Grace", "Liberation", "Save Our Now" and "Where We Belong" interchangeably. Considering it seems to be the most popular non-SYL record he has ever done, it wouldn't really make sense for him to not keep referring back to it (unless he has a bigger hit later on-I don't know if I buy his whole "I got poppy stuff out of my system" thing.)

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