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Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:15 am
by vajrayogini

Just been checking out some of the 'comments' on the Deconstruction album, especially the ones offended or put off by the farting noises / and even comments going back to saying Ziltoid story telling aspects sucked (you know who you are....)

I have decided to put up this appreciation thread, if there is such a thing, to just say; THANKS SO MUCH DEV FOR ALL THE FUN YOUVE BEEN ABLE TO EXPRESS THROUGH METAL, I still crack up laughing throughout Deconstruction / ziltoid all the time, especially being in Nepal at the moment and well, if you need some more samples for runny glory, please msg me.....the meat here turns everything digested quite liquid-like, and the sounds on Decon remind me of evil splashback well....all too frequently...

Personally, I think a shitload (no pun here folks) of metal is, well, farking-LAME; especially the more bad-ass it tries to be, the sadder it is really....thank god (again, sorry, no pun here) someones put a bit of humor in this dark dreary ass bullshit (could be potential for pun here right???? right???? decon clever...) :oops:

So a big middle finger to all you 'hard-ass' metal listeners, and all the people giving Dev shit (is this poo joke getting old yet? :patrol: are you anti-poo police going to comment on my shitty poo puns? cause im gonna keep rockin em :guitar:) / negative feedback about the poop/farting noises, comedy skits, ziltoid story telling etc. offending your sensibilities; if i ever get the chance to meet any of you, i hope to express my liquid gratitude all over your faces, tiny chunks included.

And a huge thumbs up to all of you who can laugh at this shit (plenty of pun here...) and appreciate how well placed it is in context of whats being expressed;

a shit thread, posted to throw shit at shitty people (and just a few little splatters for the good peeps), by an even shittier dickface (me ofcourse) getting shitty with people not liking shitty poop and fart jokes - what a load of shit :D (the king of pun has just left the building)

humor and metal are great, thanks dev again for all the laughs and wonderful music

yours sincerely

Shitty McShithead :dead:

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:55 am
by DevinJayLeibe
I love all of the shit in this thread so much, some good shit right here.

If you like Devin's shit then why would you be offended by shit? I don't get it, I think it's funny and it makes me laugh but also think about all those runny times. You know how relieved you are once it's all pooped out? There is no other relief like that. Feels good man :twisted:

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:09 pm
by Lettuce
I think the fart samples are awesome. It's not done in a "HURRDURR I'M SO FUCKING FUNNY" way, it's done in a "I'm doing this because I FUCKING CAN." way 8) If people get upset over it, they should try actually listening to the back catelogue, cause content wise it's very similar to Terria in that it's a stunningly performed record; but the lyrics are like "...did he just say that?". If you're genuinely angry that he's done it (which no one should be because they should be busy having lives), then like....don't listen to it?

Yeah, the farts make me laugh.

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:37 pm
by barackobaka
I love this thread

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:08 pm
by No OnE
wikipedia wrote:Flatulence is the expulsion through the rectum of a mixture of gases that are byproducts of the digestion process of mammals and other animals. The mixture of gases is known as flatus in medspeak, informally as a fart, or simply (in American English) gas, and is expelled from the rectum in a process colloquially referred to as "passing gas", "breaking wind" or "farting". Flatus is brought to the rectum by the same peristaltic process which causes feces to descend from the large intestine. The noises commonly associated with flatulence are caused by the vibration of the anal sphincter, and occasionally by the closed buttocks.

See? There's a science to it all. Farting isn't just for stupid people :D

*in the voice of the nerdy character at the very beginning of the song Deconstruction*
Consequently, I believe the farting and barfing and poop noises and whatnot were used as a symbolic metaphor for the "purging" that was Deconstruction, hence Devin's stance of all-seriousness on the subject fecal matter. Oddly enough, the noises being at the beginning of Deconstruction, make it seem as though the title song is a parody of the album itself, as a way of implying to the listener, "This really is pretty stupid," or more obviously, "It's all bullshit!"

Deconstructing Deconstruction, it's all fractals, man.

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:22 am
by Bookwyrm83
^Agreed. Everybody poops. Even you. Even I. Even Dev. Especially Ziltoid. For what is the act of defecation if not the act of cleansing, of getting it out of your system, of staring into the void whilst voiding yourself? Makes perfect sense in a thematic song like Deconstruction, so I agree, poop is awesome! As are farts! As is pooping when farting and vice versa! Unless you happen to be in public and/or your pants are still on, in which caseā€¦

*crawls back into hole*

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:31 am
by misterhustle24
Amazing how relevant this is: ... louis-c-k-

Louis C.K. on the Daily Show deconstructing why farts are funny.

"You don't have to be smart to laugh at farts, but you have to be stupid not to"

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:34 pm
by DevinJayLeibe
Reminds me of how intense Earth Day is and then : Music, it's just entertainment, folks.

Deconstruction really does feel like a purge. Very cathartic. *fartyfootflart*

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:14 am
by Bookwyrm83

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:58 pm
by mrbean667
^^ Your sig makes it funnier!


Of course it fucking does. *Nerdy voice* Anyone who thinks the farting on Decon is 'immature' would be correct to a degree. Does that make it bad? No.

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:50 am
by Odysseas
Hmm! I just came out of the bathroom this instant. How relevant... thumbs up indeed, poopfritters!

Re: Pooping Fart Noises Appreciation Thread

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:58 pm
by immoxilline
Think D.T's carrying on with the legacy of Frank Z. in humorous aspects in music.. It's easier to digest more, if you take an relieving session in a same time :caca: :saddam:
Good fart is worth of hundred words. Propably the whole concept of humour started from it. Some cavemen talkin' about hunting the mammoth; "Grrooo,agggroo, huggghhoogghh?" The other one responds; "Huggghoogghh, grrraa!" Third one breaks the wind; "Pppfffhhhprooooooootthh!" The two stared the third one and make weird throat-sounds; "Grah-har-har-har!"Pppfffhhhprooooooootthh!","Grah-har-har-har!"Pppfffhhhprooooooootthh!". The whole gang of three goes back to the cave and describe what just happened, to the whole tribe. Prrrestooo! Comedy has born!