Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#272434 by Snaga
Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:49 pm
Hey Devy, first of all my endless thanks for just doing your thing and making meaningful music,

But concerning the farting/sharding (sounds like a pretty corrosive one) on the title track of deconstruction, i recently read some reviews that take issue with it, as well as your own admission in a recent interview that it hasn't
gone over well with some metal heads.
I'm here to say, Fuck them!! I know i speak for quite a few people on these forums when i say that your sillyness is refreshing and metal is ridiculous and we wouldn't have it any other way. So inasmuch as fan opinions matter, never hesitate to flatulate!
That's kind of the whole point anyways, isn't it? Leave taking yourself too seriously to the likes of Bono and other assorted douche-boats.

I do however think the public is catching on to the glorious absurdity of metal, as evidenced by the popularity of Metalocalypse...
#272475 by RobD
Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:24 am
I can't help but giggle when there's a massive build up and fast drum fill during the ''GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM!" instantly brought down by a floor tom that has a fart directly on top of it.

And getting a choir to sing 'I farted' is both hilarious and glorious.

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