Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#223492 by Nevaeh
Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:30 pm
Yeah, that's fair man. I think the reason I asked, rather for a deep answer, was just how you reckon you'll adjust being back in that situation surrounded by the sort of people you were whilst in SYL, whether it'll bring back good or bad vibes. Essentially also, you've been working with people who are your close friends, advocates and equally talented musicians.

I know you've had some criticisms and questions of where you are musically, but these gigs you're gonna be up close with some of these people. LOL it sounds like I'm trying to scare you, but I think its something to be prepared for. I can bet you my mansack that some dude will ask you at bloodstock "WHY DON'T YOU GET STRAPPING TOGETHER MAN?!"

I don't doubt I'm preaching to the converted already.
#223524 by mrbean667
Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:02 am
Look what happened when Simon and Garfunkel got back together. Yuck.

I'm only repeating everyone else, but what is so good about SYL is that every album they put out was 100% FUCKING METAL, and Dev was 100% there. If they ever got back together, it would have to be for a very good reason.
#223530 by gurp13
Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:23 am
I'm pretty excited about whatever Dev does at this point. I enjoyed Ki but didn't really "love" it. Well, parts of "Ki" I guess. Coast, Disruptr, Heaven's End, those are great. Loved Synchestra, Ziltoid and now Addicted. Oh boy is Addicted good! The only two things I bought of Dev's that I didn't like were The Hummer and Devlab. However I really liked that Project Eko that came with Accelrated Evolution. I guess what i'm saying is that I'm pretty confident that whatever Dev puts out will be great. I said it before... Devy music is like sex... Even when it's bad it's still great.

And honestly, what's with people asking for this or that from Devin? I've never really understood this notion that artists owe something to their fans. I've been a fan of Rush since the early 1980's and their sound, in case you're not familiar, has changed many times. But I enjoy every album, someore than others. For me, I am a fan of am artist because I like and want to know what they think and feel, to get their unique view point. One thing o really love about Devin is that his voice is not constrained by lawyers that run record companies who think they know something about music. Ilove that we get Devin's vision all the way. Personally I wouldn't want him to do something he didn't believe in or feel strongly about.

Kids, if you haven't heard Addicted... This album is so good that I think I would forgive at least 3 future bad ones. So hou got that going for you, Dev.

I hope we can get all the way to May without any more requests for Gene or other SYL related sounds or artists. And stop fretting over if the album will be heavy or complicated or whatever. Just know that you're going to dog it and whatever dev does to follow it up.
#223584 by mushroom
Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:11 pm
gurp13 wrote:I hope we can get all the way to May without any more requests for Gene or other SYL related sounds or artists. And stop fretting over if the album will be heavy or complicated or whatever. Just know that you're going to dog it and whatever dev does to follow it up.

I agree with don't make any request about a SYL member (although i asked for Gene in this thread a few pages ago) but it's ok asking how the record will be, Dev has the last word so nothing that we say can change the final product. It's obious we will buy the record has it or not what we want, so again, i don't see the bad thing saying what we expect of this album
#223585 by manatee
Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:30 pm
gurp13 wrote:I'm pretty excited about whatever Dev does at this point. I enjoyed Ki but didn't really "love" it. Well, parts of "Ki" I guess. Coast, Disruptr, Heaven's End, those are great. Loved Synchestra, Ziltoid and now Addicted. Oh boy is Addicted good! The only two things I bought of Dev's that I didn't like were The Hummer and Devlab. However I really liked that Project Eko that came with Accelrated Evolution. I guess what i'm saying is that I'm pretty confident that whatever Dev puts out will be great. I said it before... Devy music is like sex... Even when it's bad it's still great.

And honestly, what's with people asking for this or that from Devin? I've never really understood this notion that artists owe something to their fans. I've been a fan of Rush since the early 1980's and their sound, in case you're not familiar, has changed many times. But I enjoy every album, someore than others. For me, I am a fan of am artist because I like and want to know what they think and feel, to get their unique view point. One thing o really love about Devin is that his voice is not constrained by lawyers that run record companies who think they know something about music. Ilove that we get Devin's vision all the way. Personally I wouldn't want him to do something he didn't believe in or feel strongly about.

Kids, if you haven't heard Addicted... This album is so good that I think I would forgive at least 3 future bad ones. So hou got that going for you, Dev.

I hope we can get all the way to May without any more requests for Gene or other SYL related sounds or artists. And stop fretting over if the album will be heavy or complicated or whatever. Just know that you're going to dog it and whatever dev does to follow it up.

I agree with you completely!

To me, the measure of a great artist is how effectively they translate the music/words/pictures in their minds to the outside world. Fewer filters and less interference means a purer translation.

This is what makes Devin a true artist. He has an amazing ability to connect with the music in his mind, and the courage to share it with us. I wouldn't want to see anything compromise his vision, whether it be meddling record companies or demanding fans.
#223676 by The Dev
Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:54 am
Thanks dude!

Yeah you know, by no means do I assume I'm the best at anything I do...I'm just happily doing what I do for the sake of my vision and the enjoyment of others. I'm lucky to have honed my connection (if you will...) but I'm definitely a work in progress.

Every record I do is different. And therefore, someone who is rabid about a complicated one, may deem a more straightforward one 'bad' or 'weak' or what have you. And thats fine...in all honesty, I encourage any and all opinions. It's not my position to debate any of them. This is a public forum, and I'm happy to have all sorts participate. The only thing I will say is that except for Physicist and SYL (the album) everything I've done I've been completed satisfied with. Of course, some of them sound 'bad' or whatever, but for the times they were made, and budget...they were the best they could (and can) be.
I lays 'em out for you to plays them out. It's there for dissection by audiophiles and critics alike. I do the best with what I have, but the bottom line is the emotional connection.

With syl, sometimes I get tired of talking about it. I get asked questions by people who won't understand me if I say it to their face 1000 times. So I calmly repeat the same answers over and over, hoping that they will just eventually give up. But on the other hand, I can hardly blame them. I may have done a lot of interviews on the subject, but syl had a lot of exposure, and it's part of my job to explain myself still. Eventually it will stop.

It's all subjective, and there is no 'right' or 'perfect' opinion. (or recording, IMO) Thats what makes art, and communication, cool. (to me).

...have at 'er!
#223679 by AlucardXIX
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:16 am
Why aren't you satisfied with Physicist? I know you mentioned something about the samples/ambient stuff in it, is that what you're dissatisfied with?
#223681 by The Dev
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:26 am
The production and mix.

...same with the self titled syl.

A mix doesn't need to be 'the best sounds' for me to enjoy...it just has to translate the right emotions. A great mix for me is more about relative levels than sounds. If someone who isn't on the same wavelength as the material mixes it, most of the time, the subtleties get lost.

With Physicist, I was in a pretty grim place emotionally, and I didn't have the energy to make the production what I wanted. Planet Rain isn't bad, and some of the others are ok, but I think there's some great songs on there that didn't come across right because of these factors.

For example, I think 'The Complex' was a good song but the tempo is like 6 bpm too fast in hindsight.

I think Phys was about 70% right for my internal checklist.

I'll redo the key songs eventually.
#223683 by Sintheros
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:27 am
The Dev wrote:I'll redo the key songs eventually.

What would you do with them?
#223686 by The Dev
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:29 am
Add tons of kazoo.

..and use less vowels probably :)
#223687 by Sintheros
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:31 am
The Dev wrote:Add tons of kazoo.

..and use less vowels probably :)

This better not be sarcasm. Record sales and awesome levels would skyrocket!

On that note, will Addicted/Deconstruction/Ghost have nice fancy DTP-logo'd slipcases like Ki does?
#223688 by Octillus
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:31 am
I think an orchestra of kazoos is necessitated.
#223692 by The Dev
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:47 am
An army of digeridoos!!!

Sarcasm is the language of the unrequited.

Awwww shiii...t
#223693 by Octillus
Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:48 am
The Dev wrote:An army of digeridoos!!!

Sarcasm is the language of the unrequited.

Awwww shiii...t

My cousin's band did a 5 kazoo cover of the Ukranian national anthem.

I like them.

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