Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#216629 by Keeker
Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:21 am
I did and it was.
#216883 by Tree
Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:11 pm
I need all the new Dev now!!! hahaha... can't wait to hear this album too!!
#216947 by djskrimp
Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:50 am
The Dev wrote:
Again, once you're a pickle, you can never be a cucumber again.

I'm totally taking this and quoting it.
#217815 by lnetzel
Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:01 am
Production questions for ya Dev!

I asume you are gonna load the Decon with layer and layer and layer of sounds and I guess you will reach a point when the production and the mixing are overlapping into each other. What's your take on this, do you
record and arrange everything first and then have "mixing session" (or give to a "mixing"-guy) or do you actually produce and mix at the same time just to do minor EQ tweakings before the mastering? When you stack so many sounds on top of each other (like Alien) I'm thinking an "outside" mixing-dude have no idea whan you want it to sound like and might ruin it?

For example, in "Skeksis" (On SYL's Alien album) there is this amazing compression when the base guitar is playing in low pitch bringing the overall volume down on the rest and makes it sound even heavier. To me it sounds intentional (and very cool), am I right? Side-chaining trick?

If Decon is going the way I think, (and hope), it will be a monster to to keep track of all the frequenzies or are you on top of that stuff from the first recorded track? Does the mixing time differ between an album like Ki compared to Alien (and maybe Decon)?

Maybe many questions but unfortunately you never hear magazine-interviewers asking these questions so i figured I'll throw this out and hope you answer. thank you!
#217820 by The Dev
Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:34 am
Well, I didn't 'mix' alien per say...(sounds and such) I just did relative levels...and I think it's ridiculous how much compression is on that disk. I think the guy did a decent job, but after Alien, I decided to learn how to mix ...Synchestra was my first attempt (obviously) ...One day, I'd remix Alien if I had the money and sessions. The thing is, in a democratic band, it made more sense to 'outsource' the mix to avoid ego clashes. However, I was in like a dirty shirt for relative levels on every record except 'SYL' (which was reeeally not my thing)

Now, I mix as I go. And I commit as I go. All the experiences in the past involved tracking to a totally shit, raw drum sound that offered no inspiration, so I get it good from the get go and keep tweaking till it all fits. And every production is different too, Addicted had so much going on that I had to sacrifice some of the 'size' or else nothing would have fit. Ki, I could boost things I could never boost on Decon because nothing fought for that particular frequency. Trial and error.

The music world has definitely spawned a bunch of audiophiles, now that everybody has a home recording rig, but I think the thing to take into consideration is the 'big picture', I'm actually very happy with Addicted's sound. It's never perfect, but you know...a mix is never finished, you just have to abandon it.

Decon. is alot of layers, more than any of them, but it also has 'ki-ish' dynamics, so there's a lot of room to breathe between the chaos. I take a song thats 10 minutes long and record it in sometimes 3 seperate chunks, then frankenstein them together in the end. There's no real 'rule of thumb'.
#217836 by tnt-tek
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:33 pm
Very inciteful post, Dev.

If I might ask about your songwriting... Do you write in the studio when doing solo stuff? I've always admired your ability to build the tension toward a climactic musical moment. Do you write the climax first and backtrack into the build-up?

Lastly, have you ever seen/used Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies? They often help me in situations I don't feel inspired enough to conquer. I wish I would've known about them when I was young and had the energy to match my ambitions...

#217838 by The Dev
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:36 pm
Eno rocks. Love him, know of O.S, but don't really use it .

I have no idea how I write. Ziltoid does all the hard stuff. :)
#217840 by kettle
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:45 pm
The Dev wrote:Well, I didn't 'mix' alien per say...(sounds and such) I just did relative levels...and I think it's ridiculous how much compression is on that disk. I think the guy did a decent job, but after Alien, I decided to learn how to mix ...Synchestra was my first attempt (obviously) ...One day, I'd remix Alien if I had the money and sessions. The thing is, in a democratic band, it made more sense to 'outsource' the mix to avoid ego clashes. However, I was in like a dirty shirt for relative levels on every record except 'SYL' (which was reeeally not my thing)

Now, I mix as I go. And I commit as I go. All the experiences in the past involved tracking to a totally shit, raw drum sound that offered no inspiration, so I get it good from the get go and keep tweaking till it all fits. And every production is different too, Addicted had so much going on that I had to sacrifice some of the 'size' or else nothing would have fit. Ki, I could boost things I could never boost on Decon because nothing fought for that particular frequency. Trial and error.

The music world has definitely spawned a bunch of audiophiles, now that everybody has a home recording rig, but I think the thing to take into consideration is the 'big picture', I'm actually very happy with Addicted's sound. It's never perfect, but you know...a mix is never finished, you just have to abandon it.

Decon. is alot of layers, more than any of them, but it also has 'ki-ish' dynamics, so there's a lot of room to breathe between the chaos. I take a song thats 10 minutes long and record it in sometimes 3 seperate chunks, then frankenstein them together in the end. There's no real 'rule of thumb'.

So do you feel more like a painter these days than say a cabinet or watchmaker? (or something) (race car driver?) When I saw the video of your vocals for nibz it put me in mind of that - you were alone with your work as both sound engineer and the creative talent. It seems the technology is now here for you to have your cake and eat it.
#217841 by The Dev
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:47 pm
Yeah for sure...thats a good way to look at it.

I've got 500 gigs and a few hours...now, go!

...oh wow, a country song! Neat, I never knew I liked country....hmmm...

Wow, thats a shitty song, I think I'm going to go clean my car.
#217843 by HauntingTheHoly
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:55 pm
The Dev wrote:One day, I'd remix Alien if I had the money and sessions. The thing is, in a democratic band, it made more sense to 'outsource' the mix to avoid ego clashes. However, I was in like a dirty shirt for relative levels on every record except 'SYL' (which was reeeally not my thing)

Would you care to elaborate on this? Did you write all the songs on 'SYL'?
#217867 by FUBAR
Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:09 pm
HauntingTheHoly wrote:
The Dev wrote:One day, I'd remix Alien if I had the money and sessions. The thing is, in a democratic band, it made more sense to 'outsource' the mix to avoid ego clashes. However, I was in like a dirty shirt for relative levels on every record except 'SYL' (which was reeeally not my thing)

Would you care to elaborate on this? Did you write all the songs on 'SYL'?

Think the other guys wrote most of that record, well at least Devin wasn't around as much as usual or something.
#217878 by Abydost
Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:33 pm
FUBAR wrote:
HauntingTheHoly wrote:
The Dev wrote:One day, I'd remix Alien if I had the money and sessions. The thing is, in a democratic band, it made more sense to 'outsource' the mix to avoid ego clashes. However, I was in like a dirty shirt for relative levels on every record except 'SYL' (which was reeeally not my thing)

Would you care to elaborate on this? Did you write all the songs on 'SYL'?

Think the other guys wrote most of that record, well at least Devin wasn't around as much as usual or something.

Yeah, due to DTB.

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