Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#271477 by DerTrommler
Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:26 pm
ppinkham wrote:
The Dev wrote:Juular: Started as 'Jugular' till I messed up the spelling, then decided it would be a good name for a fictional religious fanatic who spends his life in penance not due to appreciation of the infinite, but more based on the need to be right.

Where is that originally posted?
#271556 by indo_mex
Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:51 am
steinvegardstavik wrote:Best track - Poltergeist

Gives me tons of Emperor-vibes...and that is always a good thing.

(any one else noticed similarities between some of Devin.s work and Emperor?)

Not since City. But generally I know what you mean - Emperor have always been quite operatic as is some of Devin's work.
#271614 by barackobaka
Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:32 pm
Scherz wrote:Yeah barackobaka, seeing the more "metal-obsessed" people who think such an inherently silly genre as metal should be taken super seriously react to the farting has been hilarious, to say the least.

Haha, I know right!
Alongside hip-hop, metal has to be one of the most ridiculous overblown genres, its amazing how people can't step back and have a laugh it at.
People have so much of their personality invested in what is essentially, just entertainment folks.
Well, the positive reactions seem to be winning out at any rate! :)
Those disappointed seem to dislike it for what its not rather than what it is.
#271620 by Scherz
Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:52 pm
Definitely, if people can give me a good thought out opinion as to why they don't like it, that's cool beans. But when people say they dislike it because it's because it doesn't sound like what they "expected", I give them this face :? . Either way, yeah it's fantastic that the positive views have been winning out so far. Well deserving for this great album!
#271631 by indo_mex
Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:10 pm
Scherz wrote:Definitely, if people can give me a good thought out opinion as to why they don't like it, that's cool beans.

The farts!? If so, they're just not funny. I've been farting 10+ times a day for the last 34 years and have had the misfortunate of 'experiencing' other peoples too on many an occasion. The humour of them has long worn off, the law of diminishing utility.
#271634 by No OnE
Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:44 pm
I feel like if you've seen Meatball and Gay Telescopes (and Ziltoid, probaby), then you should have no issues understanding the farting/barfing humor segments in Deconstruction. But I can totally see that somebody who hasn't been exposed to such metal & humor combos could possibly react negatively to such moments on this suprisingly serious album. This album is "seriously non-serious" in a way, and for some people it requires a few prerequisite bits of knowledge and understanding of Dev's nature to really get this album on first listen. Maybe not, that all could just be my subjective understanding of what it takes to understand this album :D Pardon my drunken rambling...

Also, got my pre-order today. I'm thrilled, the quality of Decon & Ghost is fantastic compared to the leaks, I drove around town a little bit today and blasted Decon while it was storming and lightning'ing and shit outside, way fun :D However, I really "learned" this album while listening to the leak and mowing my yard at the same time, and there are moments on this album where I cannot shake the percieved smell of grass, even though I'm driving or sitting at my computer or whatever. It's like I associate the smell of freshly cut grass and Deconstruction very strongly, at some points as if they were synonymous with one other. Does anybody know what I mean?

Lastly (or, apparently not), I'm pry gonna order another copy of each album soon, because I want the individual slipcases :D My combo order came with a double slipcase that fits both jewel cases, which is sweet, but I also want some individual slipcases as well. I got some buddies with birthdays coming up that I think would enjoy some quality tunage, as well :D

As always, Thanks Dev for making these albums! They're good enough that I find myself listenening to either Decon or Ghost almost every day at some point :D They're good for the soul, man.

indo_mex wrote:
Scherz wrote:Definitely, if people can give me a good thought out opinion as to why they don't like it, that's cool beans.

The farts!? If so, they're just not funny. I've been farting 10+ times a day for the last 34 years and have had the misfortunate of 'experiencing' other peoples too on many an occasion. The humour of them has long worn off, the law of diminishing utility.

The more you can allow yourself to find humor in things, the more you're gonnna enjoy life :D It's all up to you!
#271639 by ppinkham
Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:56 pm
indo_mex wrote:
Scherz wrote:Definitely, if people can give me a good thought out opinion as to why they don't like it, that's cool beans.

The farts!? If so, they're just not funny. I've been farting 10+ times a day for the last 34 years and have had the misfortunate of 'experiencing' other peoples too on many an occasion. The humour of them has long worn off, the law of diminishing utility.

Still cracks me up.


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