Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#271065 by Kore
Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:40 pm
I hear a lot more similarities between Stand and Disruptr myself.
#271073 by Kore
Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:56 pm
I can almost see how this song was written.

"Okay, another song for Ki. I'll call this one... 'Stand.' Restraining... Restraining... Keep it together... AH FUCK IT!"


"Yeah... there's NO way this will work with Ki."
#271074 by Octillus
Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:57 pm
AppleQueso wrote:wasn't a lot of Deconstruction and Ki written at the same time back when DTP was gonna just be one album?

Certain parts for all four were written at the same time for sure. I just feel like Stand seems like it came a bit earlier than a lot of it. Then again, TMM was supposed to be a symphony years ago, so I'm not entirely sure how much of it was written or even conceptualized.
#271076 by Kore
Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:58 pm
AppleQueso wrote:wasn't a lot of Deconstruction and Ki written at the same time back when DTP was gonna just be one album?

I believe that was the plan. Thank goodness the floodgates opened! :D
#271080 by Octillus
Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:12 pm
AppleQueso wrote:I kind of wonder what the original single DTP album's track listing was gonna be. Would be fun to recreate it (kinda like we did with Infinity in that one thread).

I feel like Addicted would become just Addicted, Resolve, Numbered and Awake if even all of those (Resolve mainly for its reprisal later on). Ghost would probably have Fly, Heart Baby, Feather, Texada and As You Were but all in abridged forms. I also don't make these cuts because I don't love other tracks from the albums (in fact Ghost itself is my favorite title track from all four), but because of the context of all 4 pieces.

I wouldn't know what to cut from Ki or Decon

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