Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#238385 by Atari
Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:14 am
JohnMatt wrote:...what is a bottle bank?

recycling bin for glass bottles, usually separated by colour.

#238390 by Fleksnes
Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:05 am
The Dev wrote:
is it still going to be like an hevy opera thing? I hate opera.. its worse than metal

Ok then...I'll make it opera.

Are you gonna play som deco teaser on The Tuska festaival in july?

Had been awsome.. :D
#238394 by Octillus
Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:48 am
The Dev wrote:
is it still going to be like an hevy opera thing? I hate opera.. its worse than metal

Ok then...I'll make it opera.

Deconstruction's not gonna make it rain cute and approachable tomboys who enjoy comic books and prog rock is it? I hate that.
#238401 by Marijn
Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:40 am
I LOVE the concept of a metal opera! :D
#238423 by hakmed
Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:32 pm
awww man.. can't you make it bacon a decaf instead?
#238426 by existentialist
Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:21 pm
The Dev wrote:
is it still going to be like an hevy opera thing? I hate opera.. its worse than metal

Ok then...I'll make it opera.

I sure hope this album doesnt totally blow my mind!
#238427 by robvondoom
Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:45 pm
Still addicted to Addicted.
Fiending for the next record like you wouldn't believe though.

Damn it I can almost hear it like a Gamma Ray Burst in Deep Space. In the distance, but all around me at the same time.

Will there be a Symphony as originally planned? I really hope so.
The way you pull back on the Bass before exploding back into songs like Skeksis etc accompanied by a Symphony to match the power with drama would be musical perfection for me.
I can imagine it would sound like the end of The Fountain looked.
#238431 by Freak Kitchen
Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:53 pm
The Dev wrote:
is it still going to be like an hevy opera thing? I hate opera.. its worse than metal

Ok then...I'll make it opera.

I think Dev just invented "Spite Metal".
#238435 by Atari
Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:50 am
#238474 by Robert23
Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:28 pm
HailStan wrote:I heard Snoop Doggy Dogg was one of the guest vocalists.

Wouldn't that invite weed into the mix? Literally?
#238486 by The Dev
Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:12 am
I don't even know. Since I stopped smoking, my process has done a 180. I used to get high, sit around and work on riffs in circles... for hours, until I had something. Now I never do that. Honestly, I work... I build the studio, do chores, mow the lawn, do taxes, you know... normal stuff...

Then, when I go to the studio and pick up a guitar when I'm so inclined, I've worked for weeks getting my protools and amps READY at the drop of a hat, and I just GO. And strangely, it writes itself in a way. All the time I've spent not thinking about music AT ALL, seems like it's been writing unbeknownst to me.

When this one comes, it just takes the reigns and goes. I was worried for the longest time that It would end up saying something I wasn't going to agree with, but it all seems so familiar...it illustrates the work and stress and everything almost like a soundtrack to it all (as usual...) only now, I never just sit around and work on a riff for 3 hours. I pick up a guitar when I feel like it, and apparantly...I've written it without fucking around with 900 options. I dig that. A lot.

I started running today... too much energy and the mind is always going. Just running seems like a decent exercise...

Decon will be...? I don't know. My demos are so rudimentary and I just have leagues of mental cliff notes. My gut says it will be heavy heavy, but really mature. Sometimes I think it will have an avant garde orchestral element, and other times it seems more basic. I know how it ends, but how it gets there is still be 'worked on'. I think it will be literal and to the point. I think it may summarize some serious buried shit. I think it may be destructive yet really constructive. I think it will suprise me. I think it will polarize people close to me. I think it will be viewed as a whole new level for me. I think it will leave 'metal' fans confused, and there will be many who just finally 'give up' (the best is in the past, etc) It will sound GREAT.

The drummers and musicians are being organized. Sometimes I think 6 drummers, sometimes I think 1. I've talked with Brooks W, Bobby J, Ryan VP, Dirk V, Tim Y, maybe all, maybe just one. Really...it doesn't matter...I'm not trying to flex my cock by surrounding myself with 'famous friends' or whatever... there's just 20 different styles needed. If I could get one dude to nail it all, I'd be good... but what they bring to the table spiritually is what ends up defining the support. I don't need to be 'careful' per se... just aware or else I could end up with mixed messages. Some of the material is BRUTAL, but the intention is not 'rape and pilliage...' as much as HERE. IT. IS. I want precise, and it can't be insanity at all times, thats not what this record is about. A drummer can take subtle ideas and before you know it, has morphed it into something beyond the story, and as cool as that may be...if a subtle intention morphs into a war machine, it can fuck up the whole works... HOWEVER, the war machine songs need to be suicidal and bloodthirsty.

For vocals, yeah...I have managed to talk to lots of folks... all the popular bands we all like etc. But again, I find that I end up trying to find or make spots for everyone as opposed to using THAT particular voice for lines that require it, so I'm being careful that it doesn't turn into an 'all-star-jam'... 'cause that will fuck it up too, and overshadow the intent with marketing crap.

I'm playing bass on it... (finally!) fretless of course.

No guest guitarists, this is a good opportunity to show people that I'm no hack. I'm pretty legato, so it's lots of that and heavy rhythms.

I don't know guys, I'm curious about it... I've done 2 demos since I've been home but I don't listen to them...I can't get sick of it.

Konrad is doing a video and 3 posters before the release. Travis will be doing several visions before the album is out... precursors. There are so many great ideas that Konrad and Trav have presented that I don't want to lose them...

Anthony Clarkson is doing paintings for the layout, we've been working on the story for some time now http://www.anthonyclarksonart.com/ I want a different artist for each album of the dtp. (Portland is doing Ghost...)

it's going to be intense, but not crazy. It'll be a totally insane sanity. ya know?
#238489 by IX10N
Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:45 am
I'm very very excited.....
Never been this excited for an album, EVER.
I won't say a word about it, because I was told not to, but this album will combine my two favourite people ever.

Hate to get amped about an album that I've only heard TINY pieces of, but this is gearing up to be a MASSIVE album. Excited.

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