Hi, im from Austria.
Just registered to be able to drop this message. I was so lucky to experience this awesome performance from Devin with my beloved Girlfriend (and shes not into hard music at all), but this somewhat "accoustic" and Solo thing with Devin touched her. I mean not as much as it touched me, cuz i couldnt hold back some tears full of happyness and inner peace.
Thank you so much for being there are letting us all participate the things you create and that youre so honest and true and generous with your fans. Devin answered all the question sheets and kinda talked his throat totally dry.
I will never forget this unique experience and now he's got even more that special place in my heart and soul where i will keep him until i do my last breath in this life.
If any one of the other guests has some good photographs or a link with them to share, ill be happy

I was not able to put out my phone and take a single picture.... so stunning, Devin, so stunning!