It's been almost a year but better late than never.
Second DTP gig I've been to (previous one at Roxy, Prague). I was really impressed by Shining and really disappointed by Periphery - when compared to Shining, their performance was like an accident with a lot of djent. I think that their music can be much more enjoyable to listen from a CD than live.
I think that DTP show intros are getting better each year. A set of funny photos was even more amusing than Ziltoid speeches.
What is the best thing about this show in my opinion? Classic tracks like Truth, Night, Storm were excellent, but songs from newest CDs like Fallout and Poozers, were played at the same level which proves Devs mastery. I was so excited during the entire concert that I just feel obligated to recommend DTP to any bored and open-minded music fan. The venue capacity was eligible, sound engineering - OK, even for supports which must have been a challenge especially for slightly unussual intrumentary of Shining.
The moment with a boy giving Dev his own drawing on stage deserves another topic - Devin indeed has to be the nicest person in the music industry.
The only sad thing is that Dev seemed to be unreachable after the show, same for other guys. I remember that at Roxy almost everyone had a chance to exchange a few words with our master.