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05 February 2013: Atlanta, GA

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:00 am
by swervedriver
Are you going (or planning to go) to the Devin Townsend Project at the Masquerade in Atlanta?

Feel free to discuss anything related to this show here!

Re: 05 February 2013: Atlanta, GA

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:03 am
by stubear280
I'd like to be there! Let's see how it goes.

Re: 05 February 2013: Atlanta, GA

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:14 pm
by stubear280
Holy shit... Where to start.

The intro during the setup was hilarious, first off. Dev was in a fantastic mood, telling stories of how he pissed some rednecks off at the venue back in '97 with Strapping, and being afraid they were gonna cock slap in the face him for it.

The set was:

Planet of The Apes (which I brought a lighter just for the waving part. Somebody was smoking hella weed during this song)
Lucky Animals (Holy jazz hands Batman)
and last, but certainly not fucking least... GRACE!!

I'm really familiar with Gojira, but they put on a great show.

Re: 05 February 2013: Atlanta, GA

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:26 am
by stev0griffin
It was, indeed, a fantastic show. The mix was great as well; when the subs kicked in, the whole building shook. Dev's stage presence is like no other, and it was great to see his on-stage banter differs from show to show. It's not some cookie-cutter script he does. (Referring to click-tracks and backing-tracks, SYL in '97, etc.)

Here are some pictures I snapped before and after.





RVP was really awesome; immediately after the set (and I mean IMMEDIATELY) he came back and started taking pictures and signing autographs. What a trooper. I met Dev in Houston, and met RVP here. It was awesome!