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11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:54 pm
by swervedriver
Are you going (or planning to go) to the Devin Townsend Project at Amager Bio in Copenhagen?

Feel free to discuss anything related to this show here!

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:22 am
by Liampie
I'll be there. Anyone else?

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:00 pm
by Marijn
Jeg skal selvf

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:45 am
by Hiddos
Marijn wrote:Jeg skal selvf

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:49 am
by Faffy
Hiddos wrote:
Marijn wrote:Jeg skal selvf

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:05 am
by Liampie
Marijn, since when are you a dancer!?

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:53 am
by Hiddos
Liampie wrote:Marijn, since when are you a dancer!?

In London (for Retinal Circus) he was an amazing dancer. I don't know if he magically gained his skills then or before, but they were astounding.

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:39 am
by Liampie
Can't wait to see it for myself.

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:53 am
by HevyMinik
I'm going, too! PM me, maybe we can hook up before the gig?

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:38 am
by Seilun
This was fucking brilliant. Thanks Devin & co, can't wait for the next time you guys hit Europe.

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:22 am
by Marijn
Hello, Liampie here! Yesterday was great, and Marijn is indeed an amazing dancer, with some really really sick moves. We united frozen balls with HevyMinik which was really nice. Good times. :)

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:07 am
by HevyMinik
Regulator (the last half was earthshakingly HEAVY!)
Planet Of The Apes
Sunday Afternoon
Lucky Animals

Deep Peace

VIP meet and greet was a little late because of dinner, but we made it - The goodie bag was great treat! (But whose dumb idea was to include a pin? What kind of people uses pins?) You could tell it was Sunday; they all felt a little worn out, apparently they've had long ferry rides with no chance to sleep. But we got stuff autographed (I even made Ryan sign a God Awakens Petrified CD which kinda surprised him) and got photos taken - I have a real bad snapshot of Devin and I, I'll upload it if I figure out how to.
For the first time of my life, I met another member of the board, Marjin, and we hung out for a bit before the show. I was close to the mixing desk during the show, he was near the stage showing everyone his amazing dancing skills. Gig was loud (somewhere between 109-114 dB!), snare could have been lower in the mix and cut a bit of high end on the master - But it's just my humble opinion...

Devin URHM... BROKE A STRING! But he didn't make Ryan to play a punk beat though :lol:
As I said before, the band seemed to be worn out and Devin was not in his usual good mood onstage which he explained between songs, but still the show was better than most - It even got 6/6 review from a webzine!
I think they ran out of time due to a strict curfew, so we didn't get Kingdom and Color Your World, but Devin promised to play them next time. So instead of the usual encore, we got ZTO (with the crowd doing the vocals, it was great fun and it put a big smile on my face) and a fantastic Deep Peace. What a great way to end the set.

After the gig, I hooked up with Marjin (who I kept pronouncing Martin!) and his friend Liam for a few drinks. It was hilarious listening to them trying to speak Danish :D

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:47 am
by Tyroshai
Not bothered about the set, just very glad Marijn is sharing his uniquely mindblowing dancing with the world because it seriously is AMAZING

kthnxbai :D

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:54 pm
by Liampie
Like I said before, it was great. Short, but great. Mostly... I'll name the pros and cons of the evening. Pros first.

+ Devin was great as always. Deep Peace!
+ ZTO with vocals provided by the crowd. It actually worked, seriously, it worked. He should do it every show.
+ It wasn't too busy, so you could just walk around normally. I really appreciated that!
+ Ziltoid TV. Oh jesus, it was amazing.
+ Marijn's dancing. Dude, than one move with your index fingers is brilliant.
+ Went for a drink with HevyMinik which was cool. He's a good lad. :)

- Fear Factory. I don't like the music, and on top of that the singer was quite horrible and the drums sounded stupid. HevyMinik came up with the metaphor of the week: the drums sounded like a typewriter. "I thought he was writing a novel or something" :lol: Spot on man.
- Regarding Fear Factory and the general loudness of the show (any metal show, to me): ear plugs were sold out. What the fuck? I get it though.
- That weird dude that more or less pushed himself a way to a good spot. He smelled like he hasn't washed himself for weeks, and his excessive headbanging made the smell circulate through the area. And I had to step back a meter, into the guys behind me, to avoid his hair; he was taking way too much space for himself and his fat friend of whose sex I wasn't sure. It took me hours to figure out it was a dude. I was really glad when they left after Fear Factory
- That guy, his fat friend and some other smelly people (some dude with weird goggles) sneaked back to the front one by one, to get a pit started. They were the only one (like 5 or 6 of them), but they took way too much space again. At some point Devin mentioned some people in the middle who where looking bored or something like that. I might very well been one of them; during Lucky Animals and Vampire I was focusing on these retards stepping on my foot, the elbows in my stomach and avoiding their smelly hair and shit. I couldn't enjoy the show at that point. I think not long after that I just looked for another spot and enjoyed the rest of the show.
- I couldn't take pictures apparently. Not with my type of camera or something. I could take my pictures with my phone though, the security guy said. I've got an ancient nokia phone. I could as well take pictures with my toothbrush. No big deal though, pictures from a gig are always a bonus; never a must. :)
- The restrooms were a mess

It looks like I had a shit night if you read all this. Not true, as I said it was great. It just doesn't take as much words to say that. I think we all know Devin is great.

By the way, when HevyMinik and us parted ways I asked some random dude to take a picture. He was acting weird but the picture he eventually took was okay actually. It's funny! :D


From left to right: HevyMinik, Marijn, me. Look at my teeth shining.

Re: 11 November 2012: Copenhagen, DENMARK

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:04 pm
by Marijn
Nice reviews of the show, I cannot add anything else to it!

And it seems that a lot of people admire my dancing expertise. I would never have thought people would say that, haha! :D I am just showing off that I'm a total fool, I guess...