Like I said before, it was great. Short, but great. Mostly... I'll name the pros and cons of the evening. Pros first.
+ Devin was great as always. Deep Peace!
+ ZTO with vocals provided by the crowd. It actually worked, seriously, it worked. He should do it every show.
+ It wasn't too busy, so you could just walk around normally. I really appreciated that!
+ Ziltoid TV. Oh jesus, it was
+ Marijn's dancing. Dude, than one move with your index fingers is brilliant.
+ Went for a drink with HevyMinik which was cool. He's a good lad.
- Fear Factory. I don't like the music, and on top of that the singer was quite horrible and the drums sounded stupid. HevyMinik came up with the metaphor of the week: the drums sounded like a typewriter. "I thought he was writing a novel or something"
Spot on man.
- Regarding Fear Factory and the general loudness of the show (any metal show, to me): ear plugs were sold out. What the fuck? I get it though.
- That weird dude that more or less pushed himself a way to a good spot. He smelled like he hasn't washed himself for weeks, and his excessive headbanging made the smell circulate through the area. And I had to step back a meter, into the guys behind me, to avoid his hair; he was taking way too much space for himself and his fat friend of whose sex I wasn't sure. It took me hours to figure out it was a dude. I was really glad when they left after Fear Factory
- That guy, his fat friend and some other smelly people (some dude with weird goggles) sneaked back to the front one by one, to get a pit started. They were the only one (like 5 or 6 of them), but they took way too much space again. At some point Devin mentioned some people in the middle who where looking bored or something like that. I might very well been one of them; during Lucky Animals and Vampire I was focusing on these retards stepping on my foot, the elbows in my stomach and avoiding their smelly hair and shit. I couldn't enjoy the show at that point. I think not long after that I just looked for another spot and enjoyed the rest of the show.
- I couldn't take pictures apparently. Not with my type of camera or something. I could take my pictures with my phone though, the security guy said. I've got an ancient nokia phone. I could as well take pictures with my toothbrush. No big deal though, pictures from a gig are always a bonus; never a must.
- The restrooms were a mess
It looks like I had a shit night if you read all this. Not true, as I said it was great. It just doesn't take as much words to say that. I think we all know Devin is great.
By the way, when HevyMinik and us parted ways I asked some random dude to take a picture. He was acting weird but the picture he eventually took was okay actually. It's funny!
From left to right: HevyMinik, Marijn, me. Look at my teeth shining.