Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#306191 by swervedriver
Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:37 am
Are you going (or planning to go) to the Devin Townsend Project (as co-headliner; Katatonia headlines this night) at Irving Plaza in New York City?

Feel free to discuss anything related to this show here!
#308988 by whoppe31
Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:24 pm
I will be there. I was going to move cross country, but my job is keeping me here for a few more months. My usual concert buddies can't make it so I'm going solo. Dev is worth it! If anyone is meeting up for beers however it might be cool to drop by.
#308993 by Octillus
Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:19 pm
whoppe31 wrote:I will be there. I was going to move cross country, but my job is keeping me here for a few more months. My usual concert buddies can't make it so I'm going solo. Dev is worth it! If anyone is meeting up for beers however it might be cool to drop by.

Yo! I just actually moved cross country. I'm down for beers if you are. I know a couple of alright places on second avenue, and a ton more in Brooklyn if that's closer to you.
#309021 by whoppe31
Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:59 pm
Octillus wrote:
whoppe31 wrote:I will be there. I was going to move cross country, but my job is keeping me here for a few more months. My usual concert buddies can't make it so I'm going solo. Dev is worth it! If anyone is meeting up for beers however it might be cool to drop by.

Yo! I just actually moved cross country. I'm down for beers if you are. I know a couple of alright places on second avenue, and a ton more in Brooklyn if that's closer to you.

Sure! I'm coming from Long Island so something near the venue would be preferable. As I understand it there are 4 bands playing right? Do you know if Dev is going to be the last artist playing or will it be Katatonia? Do you plan on being there for the other bands? I could really go either way, I'm really going to see Dev.
#309026 by Octillus
Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:48 pm
whoppe31 wrote:
Octillus wrote:
whoppe31 wrote:I will be there. I was going to move cross country, but my job is keeping me here for a few more months. My usual concert buddies can't make it so I'm going solo. Dev is worth it! If anyone is meeting up for beers however it might be cool to drop by.

Yo! I just actually moved cross country. I'm down for beers if you are. I know a couple of alright places on second avenue, and a ton more in Brooklyn if that's closer to you.

Sure! I'm coming from Long Island so something near the venue would be preferable. As I understand it there are 4 bands playing right? Do you know if Dev is going to be the last artist playing or will it be Katatonia? Do you plan on being there for the other bands? I could really go either way, I'm really going to see Dev.

Unfortunately, that's the only night of the rest of the tour devin doesn't headline left. Like I said there are decently mellow spots on 2nd avenue which is a 5 minute walk. I'm actually interested in seeing paradise lost and Katatonia, stolen babies I could live without.
#309273 by Octillus
Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:46 am
Hey just a head's up, I'll be out there in the area if anyone wants to get a drink before the gig, I think I'm meeting up with one dude and anyone else is welcome to join. I'll be wearing an Omega Experiment shirt (<3 u longtime Dan)
#309292 by swervedriver
Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:48 pm
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at Irving Plaza in New York City?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!

#309311 by Octillus
Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:16 pm
Set just finished

I am scrambled and thus my order sucks

Where we belong
Wild Colonial Boy (with the stolen babies gal)
Lucky Animals

I'm missing like one
#309341 by Octillus
Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:13 am
So this happened

I was really really really surprised at how much I didn't hate Stolen Babies. Except I could not stand their second percussionist. He made their whole sound on percussion sound like garbage, mostly because he was hitting giant metal cans. I get this is "dark cabaret" or whatever the fuck that means but it really does hurt their overall sound.

Paradise Lost were MASSIVELY disappointing. Way to barely support your new album and play your shitty wannabe depeche mode era shit that most of us aren't interested in. Like, one or two songs of that max. Thanks.

Dev ruled. Like he always does. This was the most predictable of his sets that I've seen in a while, but a couple off of infinity and regulator were nice. He pointed at me in the crowd during Regulator and told me I was singing it better than he was. It's true though, I was. His voice was kinda shot, and the crowd didn't really get into Planet of the Apes, which is a well-loved song but maybe doesn't belong in a more upbeat setlist.

As far as the kids were in NYC, I've got a couple of responses. I met a couple of new Devvy fans who were incredibly excited and undeniably awesome people. There was this short 15 year old girl who was shrieking louder than anyone in the crowd, but not to the point of obnoxiousness, it was awesome and she got high-fives from everyone in the crowd.There were the usual dev nerds who were basically, not unlike me, talking about various dev things that they enjoy and that was cool. But then there were some really weird really awkward people who probably don't go to shows much. The body odor in the crowd was palpable, and this one weird chick kept trying to weasel her way to the front, indignant that she couldn't get to the rail, I was about two rows deep and I was more than willing to let someone else get in, but I really had no space to move to. She also kept grabbing this dude in front of her's ass. I don't think that worked, as I'm pretty sure if trying to incentivize a dude into moving by grabbing his ass is going to create the polar opposite effect, nice try though!

Some people were trying too hard to pit, they seemed a bit younger. Wrong kinda show for that one!

I guess with Dev's material being all over the map, you're going to end up bringing in a ton of different personality types, and while it's generally positive, you're going to have some of those clash. Still, a better showing than the last US gig I saw in SF.

Katatonia were great, they had wonderful atmosphere, and the crowd really seemed to dig it, so that always helps with them. They build a bigger presence whenever the crowd's more onboard anyway. No unfortunate stories about being dragged past them saluting by angry girls this time either.
#309351 by Lemurfist
Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:05 am
Octillus wrote: But then there were some really weird really awkward people who probably don't go to shows much.

Most awkward guy I ran into goes to an obscene amount of shows. Sadly, he talks at several of my friends in local bands so I get graced with his fine brand of social death wherever we both happen to be. This time around, he saw me pinned against a barrier leaning on my cane obviously engaged in/enjoying a conversation with a couple kids in front of me. After two minutes, said kids began shunning me because of the awkward. We're talking "Do you like this band you haven't liked in the past two years of my harassing you yet? No? I spent thousands of dollars to go see them! And I met their singer! YOU CARE! YOU TOTALLY DO! I WILL HIT YOU ON THE ARM NOT BEING USED TO HOLD A CANE HARD ENOUGH YOUR WEIGHT SHIFTS FULLY ONTO YOUR BAD LEG!" levels of social retardation here. For half of Katatonia's set he held his cameraphone at arm's length, only pulling it down to tap me on the shoulder and solicit opinions of shots prior to texting them to his wife. Once that stopped and I was able to watch the band for a solid minute, he decided it was time to lean in and scream that he bought By a Thread for 50% off at a local store then try and debate me as to how that was the exact same thing as Contain Us.

So far as bands go, I didn't mind Stolen Babies at all. Paradise Lost were better than I expected based on reports of how weak their singer had become. Katatonia... see above story to explain why I won't comment on them. Devy was a blast.

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