Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#287207 by swervedriver
Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:47 am
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project perform Deconstruction at the ULU in London?

Please post your reviews, setlists (if different from just the album), photos and video links here!

#287590 by sylkicks
Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:30 pm
Ah! The Cheeseburger looks awesome! Props to a certain boardie on that 'un (not sure if I'm allowed to talk about it yet :P). More details peeps! What sort of props and stuff were there? But Punky Bruster, that's so awesome. My jealousy seeths.
#287592 by mikejs
Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:53 pm
The cheeseburger was incredible. There are no words.

(Maybe just me, but it occurred to me to wonder just what the security guys etc made of all that, having no knowledge of Dev or the records. Ye gods that must have seemed a weird show).

Encores were Fake Punk, Wallet Chain, and another one.

As for the cheeseburger, when Dev was doing credits for the band and crew he gave credit to Violet for the cheeseburger and the hats. (Ziltoid for President!)

Sound was OK where I was, but a bit bass-heavy in places. Also, there were a couple of times (not surprising given the complexity going on) where Dev would start a guitar solo and it would be quiet at first and you'd hear someone give it a bit of a boost a few notes in.

The sweep picking in Deconstruction is utterly ridiculous.
#287597 by rakune
Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:37 pm
bomb_dog wrote:Dont forget the Ziltoid flags, "ziltoid for president" balloons and glowsticks!

It was ACE.

Encore was Fake Punk, Wallet Chain and Metal Dilemma.

Awesome :D

Who sang the high pitched "aaaaaaaaaaaa-ahhhhhhhh!" part of Metal Dilemma? :D

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