Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#311479 by Dave H
Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:08 pm
Just got back. The show was brilliant. The second half was absolutely incredible. Detox had the power to shift planets. Seeing Jed cranking along to it was gob-smacking. The atmosphere was awesome and Grace was almost sensory overload; everybody on stage, acrobats and confetti cannons. A lovely version of Little Pig with everybody except Dev sat in a makeshift sitting room strumming along. Can't wait for the DVD.
#311484 by Feehan
Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:33 pm
Face destroying stuff, i am still shaking from the bass drops.

I thought the setlist was good, its impossible to have songs from all his albums and still keep the narrative going, albeit loose

SYL stuff was awesome, tastefully done
#311506 by BenPuritanSlain
Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:53 am
Apparently it was Dom Lawson from Metal Hammer magazine.

Did anyone notice it looked like Jed was welling up a little at certain points?! What a night!! Was a shame Terria was missed off, would have loved 'The Fluke' with the choir doing the backing parts, but in all fairness, once the sensory overload of the first few songs settled down, I have to say it was well worth the money to go.

And Ziltoid air freshner?!
#311512 by hog
Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:12 am
rakune wrote:
JuZ wrote:Little Pig - what a fantastic way to finish the show. As has been mentioned it was a shame Terria in particular didn't get a run, given how respected and loved that album is. Personally I would've liked more Ocean Machine but the man has such a monolithic catalogue that you could do a 10 hour retrospective show and miss stuff.

Oh, and did someone say JED FUCKING SIMON!? :string:

Actually, "Fucking" is Dave's middle name :D

That made me grin. Dave "Fucking" Young.
#311513 by Kong89
Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:20 am
Amazing night. Agree that the setlist could have covered a wider range of tracks though

As soon as the first notes of Detox rang out there was sort of a collective intake of breath almost as if everyone was thinking 'oohshiiit'. Then the place just went nuts for the rest of the set. It was pretty intense. Great fun though.
#311517 by Faffy
Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:54 am
Well... this concert made me realize I would never survive an entire SYL show.I. AM. BROKEN.
Everything hurts... ouch. Awesome.
#311518 by Jamie_W
Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:51 am
Crazy gig. Had a great time, although the set could have been a little more diverse in respect to the neglected albums. And I wonder if they will fix the video audio sync in the DVD? Worth it all for the Ziltoid section, bit of an indication where Z2 is going?

Also, some of those dancer cat girls were gorgeous :shock: Would have loved to meet them at the aftershow!
#311534 by Luk
Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:41 am
Faffy wrote:Well... this concert made me realize I would never survive an entire SYL show.I. AM. BROKEN.
Everything hurts... ouch. Awesome.

Hah! I would like to be on one, but I know that feeling. I think that somebody broke my pelvis yesterday :P

Ps. They played my favourite "Love?". I'm so happy
#311542 by rakune
Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:04 am
Faffy wrote:Well... this concert made me realize I would never survive an entire SYL show.I. AM. BROKEN.
Everything hurts... ouch. Awesome.

Hah, I've been to at least a dozen SYL shows, and yeah.. They were always pretty painful, and that was some time ago! I don't know if I could hang for very long up front anymore :lol:

Last show I even tried was when Meshuggah came thru with Baroness/Decapitated and yeah, that was up there around the same intensity as the SYL shows I used to frequent :lol:

Edit: just remembered, in that same vein I remember seeing SYL open for Meshuggah back when chicken feather came out and people really didn't know how to react. Was pretty awesome watching how the local fan base grew even since then. Oh the memories :)
#311550 by rakune
Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:20 pm
NamasteLikeBender wrote:I seriously fucking love all the Anneke additions so far, and I'm only on Planet Smasher. I might have to buy the DVD/Blu Ray several times and get it gifted for friends.

How are ya watching it again?
#311552 by random_wordage
Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:50 pm
rakune wrote:
NamasteLikeBender wrote:I seriously fucking love all the Anneke additions so far, and I'm only on Planet Smasher. I might have to buy the DVD/Blu Ray several times and get it gifted for friends.

How are ya watching it again?

Someone uploaded the stream to youtube, it's one where the connection isn't great during some songs, but you get a good idea of what the dvd/blu ray will be like, with better sound I'd imagine.

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