This show was fantastic. I would love a copy of the setlist, as I would essentially be a list of my favorite of Devin's songs. Three criticisms: of which two are understandable and one is my own damn fault.
Criticism #1:The lack of Ghost. This is understandable because this is a very metal crowd and many of them may not like that sort of thing. However, I love the album and was hoping for at least a snippet considering it was a headlining show and it is his latest album.
Criticism #2:The lack of security. This part is 99% my own damn fault, so I guess I am criticizing myself here. I got there early, but wandered in the back thinking it was the front because I am a clueless moron. I ended up looking for the will call lady for a while and then sat down with a bunch of other metal looking dudes assuming they were fans who wandered in early too. It turns out they were the first band. It wasn't until people started coming in what I thought was the back of the place that I realized I wasn't supposed to be there. I think he thought I snuck in for free as he kept on giving me evil glares. Also, he hung out with the people who were smart enough to recognize the front of the place before the show, so I missed out on that. Its kinda a bummer but this shit happens when you are clueless. I got to see Devin wandering around the bar and play around in the dancing cages though, which was funny. I talked with numerous people and I kinda wish someone would have just kicked me out.
Criticism #3: The merch table was extremely understocked. I still wanted to support the band though, and didn't want Devin to think I was a cheapskate who sneaks into shows, so I bought a sweatshirt that is a bit too small for me and a drumstick signed by Ryan to give to my brother. I was hoping for a Ziltoid mug for the office, but I guess that'll have to wait for next time.