Jason wrote:Not sure I'm remembering the order correctly, but I think the set was
- By Your Command
- Truth/OM
- Supercrush
- Stand
- Kingdom
- Juular
What can I say? Another great show from Dev! The only problem I noticed is a feedback issue with his guitar, which he pointed out in the middle of a song (one of the random Kingdom interludes?) but I didn't even notice after a while. Devin seemed to have a good time singling people out, asking how they were or pointing out how if they had the "crossed arms" look, that this next song was for them (I couldn't see if he was legitimately pointing out such people or just teasing at random, but the former wouldn't surprise me). Great performance, great humor, and just infectious positivity! And... lots of Devy nipple rubbing.
Setlist looks about right to me. Great fun. Also comments about boners in sweatpants and being a Canadian nerd. Awesome.
My wife and I went to the meet-and-greet at Sound Check (record store) that afternoon with our daughter. Very nice guy, we talked about our kids (as we have little ones very close in age) and family. Good times.