Hey! You're awake!
#214685 by islandsinthesky
Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:42 am
Century media is just provoking us with that.

Still, we should try to be subtle.

By the way, Dev, I'm glad you're cool about it. That's pretty key to me actually purchasing your albums (Good luck ever finding a hard copy of The Incident in my possession)
#214695 by mushroom
Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:15 am
A few hours and still no leaked EAT IT!
#214696 by trilog1
Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:21 am
Promos probably haven't even been sent out and still no confirmation on whether they're digital or not so. Don't get too excited for a leak lol.
#214697 by mushroom
Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:22 am
trilog1 wrote:Promos probably haven't even been sent out and still no confirmation on whether they're digital or not so. Don't get too excited for a leak lol.

I got excited for a no-leak
#214698 by trilog1
Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:23 am
That was more of a general statement ;)
#214699 by thought_arcade
Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:26 am
This is AMAZING news! Really it is! It's also very funny - very true about record labels complaining about downloading, but this seems more like a case of CM just accepting the unalterable reality of being alive in 2009: downloading is here to stay and probably can't be stopped. So whether it leaks today or a month from now, it's gonna leak.

What's amazing about this news IS the vote of confidence - 1000 copies going out? Didn't Ki sell 800 copies its first week? It really sounds like CM is taking this shizz seriously, and why shouldn't they? "Bend it Like Bender!" totally sounds like it could find a home on alternaticve rock radio... it's almost insanely catchy. The teaser isn't as good as I thought it would be: it's about 1000% better. Seriously, I make some bizarre and fucked up faces when I listen to this - some kind of weird mix of ecstacy, excitement, rapture.... I even, and I kid you not, brought a laptop into the shower (not RIGHT in) so I could crank it up while showering. It pissed off my girlfriend and I almost slipped and killed myself while dancing around in the shower, but fuck it!

No one should from the forums should feel shame for downloading it. We're all going to buy it, too, right? RIGHT? And see the shows, the whole bit. We're the hardcore, and we're going to support Dev.

And as for the others... fuck it, too. If Dev doesn't get played on rock radio how are people supposed to find out? Everyone and their cat (the cats in particular) has a website/myspace with their band's music on it. Massive saturation - that's great and not so great (depending on which side of the "Cult of the Amateur" argument you come in on) but it's hard to find stuff. So some peope are just going to take the album, screw'em.

But maybe, just maybe, there's a kid in Iowa (to pick a place at random) who is utterly sick of whatever radio's feeding him. His friend downloads Addicted and burns it for him, and it changes everything - music can *actually change people's lives*. Then that kid saves his allowance and buys the back catalogue, and everything's even. Pollyanna, maybe, but it's the only way to look at it without driving ourselves into the grave of negativity.

We are very lucky people - how manty people get to communicate so freely with an artist that means so much to us?

Our love may not be the richest, but it's the biggest.

Every time I listen to the teaser I feel like I've had another shot of espresso. I must be on 50 by now, and now, in the words of Turbonegro, I'm ready to fuck the world. Quite literally.

What's funny is that I've been cranking it up at work - and I work for a rehab. :)
#214700 by tentotheminus9
Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:36 am
Dev - maybe putting Addicted up for pre-order would be a good plan, given that a leak may be imminent?
#214720 by King Ghidorah
Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:03 am
tentotheminus9 wrote:Dev - maybe putting Addicted up for pre-order would be a good plan, given that a leak may be imminent?

I very much second this, i'd be much happier downloading the leak after filling your pockets with some pennies.
#214733 by Carpathian Psychonaut
Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:54 am
Another one to chime in on this with a request for an HDR pre-order on eBay like you did for Ki. I don't care that it won't be out for a while - you can happily take my cash up front, bank it and add one to your sales right here and now. On the back of your post that started this thread (1000 copies?) it seems even madder that those with open wallets can't shower you in cash.

Hang on. "shower you in cash" sounds a bit seedy. You know what we actually mean, right? :lol:
#214748 by Billy Rhomboid
Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:51 am
I have only ever downloaded one album, and that was Monolith by Amebix as it is only available as download, via one of those honesty box type of things.

Being old school and old I like to hold physical artefacts in my hands. I don't have an ipod. I do have a Blackberry which I daresay plays MP3s but I don't want my telephone to be a gramaphone.

I'll wait for the CD release. I'm certain the music won't be any the worse six weeks hence.

BUt I'm more than happy to pay for a pre-order now. In fact I quite enjoy that - then it feels like a random present when the CD turns up.
#214774 by ScottMcTony
Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:18 pm
OceanMachine15 wrote:Not gonna lie, Dev. I'm gonna download it, but I have my torrent download set to get rid of it, before anyone can leech off of me. And I will be buying this album as well. Can't screw over a musical legend.

Oh yeah, YOU deserve it today or tomorrow or whenever, but I don't, hell naw.
#214776 by PlutonimicX
Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:24 pm
Thanks for being cool about people downloading stuff. I honestly can't download anything because I don't have a computer, I do this from the public library as a result of being very poor. In any case, I have a conscience and even if I did downloaded it, I would still buy the same material on CD. I have enjoyed your music for years and continue to so it's natural for me to feel that I'm doing something to support my favorite musician by buying some stuff in my attempt among the many others, to keep it coming. Besides, I think it's actually better to have a physical copy, material you can read out of the booklet and a CD you can put in different devices. After re-reading this it sounds corny, but it's still how I feel. Anyway, thanks for acknowledging our support and the music you make.
#214783 by Carpathian Psychonaut
Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:56 pm
Billy Rhomboid wrote:BUt I'm more than happy to pay for a pre-order now. In fact I quite enjoy that - then it feels like a random present when the CD turns up.

Ha ha ha - I thought that was just me! I sometimes pre-order stuff weeks in advance, get interested by something else and then get a very nice surprise when I check my doormat for post a while later :mrgreen:

Pre-orders (of Devin) for the win!
#214798 by Lettuce
Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:03 pm
CENTURY MEDIA ARE MONGS. I love the teaser. It's fittyyyyyyyyy. I wasn't sure about a Hyperdrive remake because the first one is so awesome, but it's just as grand! Very excited.
#214799 by trilog1
Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:09 pm
I'm glad Century Media is sending our promos early. It shows they have confidence this record kicks a lot of ass... and I'm sure it does!

Although it hasn't leaked yet so maybe they're changing their mind ;)

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