Hey! You're awake!
#221703 by arheru
Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:42 pm
Breathless - Jeeeeeeezzzzzuuuuuzzzzz it's fantastic! No filler here, and I love it!!
I had a feeling Supercrush was going to be my favourite, and it delivered. I was actually laughing with every new transition because Dev just pumps out such ridiculously heavy riffs and hits. Little maniac, me. =D
Including Anneke was a fantastic move - just listen to the verse to chorus transition and the falsetto twist the second time around. RRRAAARGH!!! :D I almost shat myself.

After total euphoria we lead over to Hyperdrive... Come on, too much perfection accumulated for this humble listener to bear! I love the little variations, like the subtly changed chord just before the heavy guitars come in... Also, is there some form of formant filter on Anneke's song in Hyperdrive? She sounds more chipmunk-y than anywhere else to me (but I could be wrong^^).

If you read this, Devin: Thank you!
#221707 by the_s_rabbit
Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:58 pm
Christ, this is just fucking amazing. I think it could very well be his best. And I'm more into the proggy type shit. But this is just too good!

I mean, I wasn't the biggest fan of "Bender" at first. I thought it was because I'm not a big fan of Abba. Everytime I hear "Dancing Queen", I want to throw shit out the window... especially at weddings, which means every wedding.

Anyway, "Bender" is growing on me. And the rest of the album just smokes me.

It's that good. Seriously. This album delivers. It lives up to the hype. It's fucking superior.

I'm paying for it on Amazon on the official release date. And after all four albums are out, I'm going to buy the $300 super-deluxe DTP box-set with a Diorama personally crafted by Dev himself, if there is one available.
#221708 by gargendie
Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:04 pm
I didn't want to download this but with a about 18 hours of travel from China back to the US I couldn't help myself from stealin' this for my trip.I did order a copy last week so I don't feel too bad.
#221713 by hevysyl_rob
Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:20 pm
Addicted is brilliant, it didnt disappoint, i didnt think it would. it is incredible. another amazing album from devin that contains yet another heartfelt track, that amist its upbeat danceable elements still made me cry.

This album is just nothing like I'd imagined. It is heavy but soft, the vocals with Anneke's feminine parts and Devs devy parts are amazing. The highs on The Way Home and Supercrush, the lows on Ih-ah, the trademark Devin screams in the background of songs like Awake, Numbered, The Way home and Resolve. Anneke's ending to Numbered and her parts in Resolve, Awake, Supercrush, bend it like Bender and the entire song of Hyperdrive, Blew my away.

The guitar riffs in the opening of Addicted, Universe in a ball, Supercrush, Numbered were great, the drumming on The Way Home and other songs are amazing

Every person who had imput of this album just made it that much more exceptional! Best Dev album PERIOD.

Outstanding album from outstanding artists! Anneke and Devin: I thank you for this album. Every last second of it.

Keep them coming Devin!

PS...Dev may of got shingles from the Hype but DAMN was the hype right, He had NOTHING to worry about :P
#221737 by niklang
Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:00 pm
Ih-ah, Ih-ah, Ih-ah.
Those vocals from Dev are just something special.
That deserves to be all over the radio.
People need to hear this.
#221739 by Serious
Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:05 pm
First of all I wanna say I PRE-ORDERED the $50 package but couldnt wait to listen so I downloaded :sad: Oh well KICK ASS ALBUM!!! SO CRAZY!
#221776 by BaldMosher446
Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:02 pm
Couldn't resist, so I downloaded it...Addicted easily falls into my top 3 favorite DT albums of all time. Two listens was all it took for me to decide that. BILB!, Supercrush!, Numbered!, and Awake! are the standout tracks for me at the moment. The newly recorded version of Hyperdrive! with Anneke is light years ahead (pun intended) of the Ziltoid version and that one is badass already, so that's saying something there.

I will promptly buy this come Nov. 17th. Thanks once again for a fantastic album Devin! You have never let me down personally with your music! It got me through my crappy work shift today! Looking forward to seeing ya Feb. 6 in Charlotte!
#221779 by the_s_rabbit
Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:33 pm
What is Anneke singing in the background on Supercrush? During the part when Dev is singing "I don't wanna save my soul now."

It sounds like "Habib, Habib, Habib, Habib"
"Highway, highway, highway, highway"
#221788 by Soul Slave
Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:29 am
Man, words fail me. Supercrush really got me. Like seriously overcome with emotion. That epic chorus to the beautiful, minimal verse is just so amazing.
God damn, definitely one of my favorite DT albums. So blown away.
#221793 by mattyryan86
Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:17 am
1st things first LOVE THE ALBUM!!!! Addicted = AWESOMENESS.

2nd thing is anyone noticed this? at 4.24 where dev is singing NOW DECONSTRUCT, the guitars actually get a lil heavier and into a metal type rhythm as to sorta start the transition into the next CD?

maybe im reading into it too much but thats what i keep thinking when i hear it.

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