Hey! You're awake!
#217396 by FUBAR
Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:15 am
mEh! wrote:Are we suposed to get an e-mail confirm when we have payed? I paid 65$ to CM with my order number and adress on paypal and they didn't respond :? Are they supose to?

Yeh I did the same, I assume all is fine if they responded to your initial email and asked you to send the money like they did with me.
#217403 by mEh!
Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:31 am
FUBAR wrote:
mEh! wrote:Are we suposed to get an e-mail confirm when we have payed? I paid 65$ to CM with my order number and adress on paypal and they didn't respond :? Are they supose to?

Yeh I did the same, I assume all is fine if they responded to your initial email and asked you to send the money like they did with me.

Yeah i guess.
#217412 by Agnarok
Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:27 am
@ Fubar.

I ordered manualy via paypal too. I wrote to them about a confirmation email. It's ok. They send any confirmation email for manual orders...

Bye folks
#217416 by Leechmaster
Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:41 am
From: http://www.cmdistro.com/FAQ
What forms of payment do you accept?

At this time we accept all major U.S. or Canadian-issued credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover) and PayPal. For orders shipping outside the U.S. or Canada, we ONLY accept PayPal payments.

but finally, they have guaranteed that everyone that orders between the 17th and 25th will get their package, so it's all good (if you have paypal)

I think these are pretty much the main two things anyone arriving late needs to know to figure out what the divil is going on...

As for the return of confirmation, I'm sure that guarantee you get in their first response that the package is yours once you pay is confirmation. Everyone has their PayPal receipt in their account and email as proof of purchase anyway, so if something does somehow go awry you've got that to fall back on.

I'd say they're pretty well on top of it now though after the initial underestimation of the demand.
#217593 by aphemia
Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:57 am

New here, but long time fan of Devs!

Quick question: I've looked at the HevyDevy.com news and seen the post about international orders of the Uber package... does this mean that if I live in the UK I can still pre-order the following package now?

http://www.cmdistro.com/Item/Devin_Town ... DER-/32018

Thanks in advance!

Ps. man... I'm looking forward to this CD like you don't know...
#217638 by Leechmaster
Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:10 pm
aphemia wrote:Hey,

New here, but long time fan of Devs!

Quick question: I've looked at the HevyDevy.com news and seen the post about international orders of the Uber package... does this mean that if I live in the UK I can still pre-order the following package now?

http://www.cmdistro.com/Item/Devin_Town ... DER-/32018

Thanks in advance!

Ps. man... I'm looking forward to this CD like you don't know...

You can order from the 17th of October onwards, and are guaranteed to get the package you want if you order before October 25th. You can't order now because the site only accepts PayPal on international orders and you can't pay with PayPal until the 17th due to restrictions on the site. If you spy talk of emailing orders on here, that window of opportunity has also closed as the demand was too high for them to cope. Basically, you can get the package, you've just gotta wait another few days.

Also if you feel like introducing yourself and all that jazz toddle over here.
#217650 by Leechmaster
Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:46 pm
Yeah, starting to feel like a broken record alright, but sher, people don't wanna go sifting through hundreds of pages to try to find the answers to their questions specifically. And the search function is SO SCARY. :lol:

Me and Biert should maybe consider opening some sort of Cretinous Help Desk... Not Sab though. Useless fecker. :P
#217817 by aphemia
Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:10 am
Thanks for the clarification! Much appreciated.

Apologies for coming across dim-witted, often when you're new to a forum, and there are numerous subcategories... it's tricky trying to leaf through 100s of pages of unrelated topics (which I did start to do). Also, handy as a search function is, sometimes a question is not that easy to sum up in one concise, catch-all search phrase... at least not one that will return you relevant results. Besides, the info was on the front of hevydevy.com, it's just that due to the way it was worded, there were a few missing details and confusion as to whether the message referred to a specific package or not.
#217842 by islandsinthesky
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:51 pm
Leechmaster wrote:Me and Biert should maybe consider opening some sort of Cretinous Help Desk.

You guys could play good cop/bad cop.

Except you'd both be bad cops.

Edit: Oh wait, Leechy. Isn't the sentence supposed to look like THIS:

Leechmaster wrote:Beirt and I should maybe consider opening some sort of Cretinous Help Desk.

#217846 by Leechmaster
Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:20 pm
islandsinthesky wrote:
Edit: Oh wait, Leechy. Isn't the sentence supposed to look like THIS:

Leechmaster wrote:Beirt and I should maybe consider opening some sort of Cretinous Help Desk.



Prex will have my head for that mistake.

And aphemia, you're grand. There's been so much discussion over this pre-sale situation that I, nor I doubt anyone else, would expect someone just coming along to go through it all. I was only messing with the search thing for this subject. You'd be there all bloody day! And you'd probably be buried under a mound of posts of me repeating myself. I just have way too much free time to spend trolling about here because I'm a ridiculous fanboy. :roll: :lol:
#217847 by islandsinthesky
Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:28 pm

Mikey. What do you think about a forum FAQ section? Not like the one we have, but one for REAL frequently asked questions! That way we also won't need to sticky a ton of threads!

Holy shit, this idea is gold. We could have different sections. like a section for the gear Dev uses, and a section for purchase information, and YES!

#217849 by Leechmaster
Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:32 pm
We could be the living FAQ section, if only we were Mods instead of just very helpful Cretins.

#217857 by Keeker
Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:48 pm
Leechmaster wrote:We could be the living FAQ section, if only we were Mods instead of just very helpful Cretins.


There's nothing to stop you starting a new topic. You could call it "Bert & Ernie's Agony Column" :P

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