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#217224 by kettle
Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:39 am
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
Dr.Mosh wrote:I got the email too and honestly, what is the deal with not accepting credit cards from anywhere? Isn't that one of the points of credit cards that they can be used worldwide? I don't get it. :roll:

b) The initial shop rules regarding cards, PayPal and treating non-USA people as probable fraudsters is horribly out of date and was how online shops were back in their infancy about 5 years ago. They really need to move it up, offer both methods of payment from day one for everywhere to be fair to everybody and gain themselves more orders (and applause) into the bargain.

I thought century media was a german company.

(yeah I know mailorder is in the U.S.)
#217227 by Leechmaster
Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:44 am
Yep, with 5, count em, 5 offices in Europe. And one in Aus and one in South America. So it really is very questionable as to why they think we're archaic.
#217239 by Wander
Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:18 am
I have a question:

Is it/will it be possible to pre-order an Addicted package (any) to Europe without paypal (but rather with just credit card)?

This isn't quite clear to me yet.. I DON'T have access to paypal, but I'd propably have an access to a Credit Card to buy the thing, but you know... So far I haven't been able to.
#217246 by Leechmaster
Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:48 am
No, it's PayPal only for everywhere outside the US and Canada. All year round, no matter what you wanna buy.

From: http://www.cmdistro.com/FAQ
What forms of payment do you accept?

At this time we accept all major U.S. or Canadian-issued credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover) and PayPal. For orders shipping outside the U.S. or Canada, we ONLY accept PayPal payments.
#217255 by Mulzi
Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:36 am
Leechmaster wrote:No, it's PayPal only for everywhere outside the US and Canada. All year round, no matter what you wanna buy.

From: http://www.cmdistro.com/FAQ
What forms of payment do you accept?

At this time we accept all major U.S. or Canadian-issued credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover) and PayPal. For orders shipping outside the U.S. or Canada, we ONLY accept PayPal payments.

I too think it's a strange policy CM is keeping. I mean I would nowadays trust any other credit company except U.S.? It's their credit companies that drove us into this global crisis. Wouldn't you feel safer with any other credit company? Besides the point of credit company is that you have and receive credit! Which should be received by the seller even in the case there's some fraud.

Maybe I'm just missing something... :troubles:

But this case is clear. I'll get my hoodiebundle on the 17th and I registered to PayPal for that.
#217257 by Maggai
Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:40 am
Ah damn. Just got my paycheck and wanted to pre-order the Hoodie and drawing etc bundle. Guess that one is gone when I can pre-order. If it's not gone already.

Still, the cd is the most important thing.

Also, I see that Ziltoid, Terria, Physicist and Ocean Machine is sold out at cm. Good for Dev!!
#217265 by Dr.Mosh
Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:42 am
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:I think it's very much a situation of two sides.

a) They have been very helpful in trying their best to do what they could to aid the situation along. They've got a bit overwhelmed and had to pause it for now but at least they did that period of email orders to help to some extent. They've also now made a guarantee for a period coming up so Dev fans around the world know that an order at a certain time will still get them exactly what they want. It's more than some sites would have done in the situation and as frustrating as it has been for many we have to recognise this part of things. It's only fair to applaud the good if we're also going to knock the bad.

oh no doubt have they been helpful, but in the end they make money out of it too so it's not as if they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. I won't deny they are really nice guys there.
#217310 by Wander
Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:21 pm
Bummer, I can't really buy stuff without Paypal.

I just wish that some Finnish stores would get Devin T shirts/posters. Or does someone here actually know a way to buy that stuff without paypal?

Not blaming anyone for anything! I can get all the albums anyway. Just a little bit disappointed that getting other merchandise doesn't seem to work (for me).
#217330 by Imhotep
Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:22 pm
Dr.Mosh wrote:oh no doubt have they been helpful, but in the end they make money out of it too so it's not as if they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. I won't deny they are really nice guys there.

You've got to think of it like it's any other organisation, the people making that money are the ones owning the business - i.e. not anybody you'll ever speak to through email. The actual workers themselves look like they tried to help out but were overwhelmed, and they've got to make a decision at some point to ensure other artists don't suffer because we're Dev fanatics, they have limited resources at any given time and I don't blame them, as gutted as I am to miss out on pre-ordering. I like the fact that they tried, and these people were busy and worked hard, but it came to a point where they had to say enough is enough.
#217357 by frankenchrist
Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:27 pm
The Dev wrote:Is the pre order not happening? Whats going on now?


I got an email from cmdistro saying they aren't doing anymore manual orders due to overwhelming demand (even though I am from Australia). So we have to wait til release to get the bundles and have to order them before the 25th of November.

#217376 by kettle
Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:03 pm
The Dev wrote:Is the pre order not happening? Whats going on now?


When it happens on the 17th, apparently cmdistro will only accept a paypal account, and by the looks of it that means needing an actual paypal account myself rather than cmdistro's paypal account accepting credit cards.

(I just tried to purchase 'death on the road dvd' as a test and it sent me to paypal to verify my paypal account.)

With cmdistro being so brilliant and taking into account the threatened Royal Mail postal strikes in the UK, I may be better off waiting to buy it from amazon or play.com as they may have given the 'art' of selling records a little more thought, including organising different parcel networks around Britain.

Hats off to you though Devin for your previous pre orders via HevyDevy, that was great service. I'll buy a t shirt when Hevy Devy has them to sell.

#217385 by mEh!
Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:46 am
Are we suposed to get an e-mail confirm when we have payed? I paid 65$ to CM with my order number and adress on paypal and they didn't respond :? Are they supose to?
#217389 by Dr.Mosh
Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:11 am
Imhotep wrote:
You've got to think of it like it's any other organisation, the people making that money are the ones owning the business - i.e. not anybody you'll ever speak to through email. The actual workers themselves look like they tried to help out but were overwhelmed, and they've got to make a decision at some point to ensure other artists don't suffer because we're Dev fanatics, they have limited resources at any given time and I don't blame them, as gutted as I am to miss out on pre-ordering. I like the fact that they tried, and these people were busy and worked hard, but it came to a point where they had to say enough is enough.

I realise all this, do you think I live in a cave? :)
also, I think they are hurting themselves with the credit-card thing, but who knows, maybe they got ripped off in the past and just don't want to risk it. And again, given the fact that they have 5 european offices, they might be able to handle international orders a little differently.

but finally, they have guaranteed that everyone that orders between the 17th and 25th will get their package, so it's all good (if you have paypal)

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