Cover Contest, mebbe?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:18 pm
I was sitting. Well no. I was kneeling. I am kneeling. And thinking. And browsing through parts of the forum of semi-yore, and I stumbled across the old cover contest we had when the wait for Ziltoid was driving insanity through our brains at 407km/h. I'm lying down now. But yes, that was a great laugh the last time (And the time before as well I'm sure, but I was only lurkin' then..) and there were some really good contributions to it. So would anyone be up for another schwing at it? Ki obviously doesn't lend any immediate imagery in the way Ziltoid The Omniscient, The Puppet or The Mighty Masturbator did, but it could still be fun! Deconstruction of a Cheeseburger would just be too easy cos.. It just would, really. But the lack of obviousness of the title could result in some pretty cool ideas.. It'd be interesting to see what direction people might take it, if nothing else..
So yeah, mindless drivel aside, who's up for another bash at it? If it fails it fails, I just thought I'd throw the idea out there again and see if anyone's interested.
Just to throw in the old links to show everyone what a great whootinanny it was.
Ziltoid: 1 and 2
General Dev: 1 and 2
And remember, this really is only for the fun of it. Some people will create really good things obviously (*shakes fist in Clare's direction*) but any effort will be appreciated and even something thrown together in paint can best the photoshop pros. So don't be frightened if you're not arty farty!
EDIT for details:
All entries to be submitted to me via PM by/on said date. I'll schlap em all on up here in a poll, two weeks of voting and whoever gets the most votes gets to suck a turd to a point and stab themselves with it. Agreed? Agreed. Faaaaaaanshmashtic. Off you go, babies!
So yeah, mindless drivel aside, who's up for another bash at it? If it fails it fails, I just thought I'd throw the idea out there again and see if anyone's interested.
Just to throw in the old links to show everyone what a great whootinanny it was.
Ziltoid: 1 and 2
General Dev: 1 and 2
And remember, this really is only for the fun of it. Some people will create really good things obviously (*shakes fist in Clare's direction*) but any effort will be appreciated and even something thrown together in paint can best the photoshop pros. So don't be frightened if you're not arty farty!
EDIT for details:
All entries to be submitted to me via PM by/on said date. I'll schlap em all on up here in a poll, two weeks of voting and whoever gets the most votes gets to suck a turd to a point and stab themselves with it. Agreed? Agreed. Faaaaaaanshmashtic. Off you go, babies!