Hell yeah, you fucking suck!

#158172 by Biert
Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:54 am
Of course you're allowed to have an opinion. Please, do.
I just meant to say that there's nothing 'of course' about it being exceptional.

#158173 by Josiah Tobin
Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:18 am
Perhaps that was a poor choice of words on my part; I didn't mean to imply that anything put out by Devin is exceptional by default. It was more of a "Don't get me wrong, I still think it's an exceptional record" kind of thing. I suppose that might've been more accurate than 'of course.'

#158185 by Persuader
Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:11 pm
I agree with Josiah here that it's a more classic metal sounding album, if you could ever classify SYL's sound as that. It's not their greatest effort but a solid album none the less.

In _my_ humble opinion. :)

#158197 by BlackFabio, Inc.
Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:10 am
I agree that TNB sounds different than the previous SYL albuns, but I don't think it sounds worse because of it.

SYL was always changing since the begining...from the industrial/grind/groovy madness on HAARHT and City, to the extreme/pseudoblackmetallisms on SYL, bits of "dark ambient" on Alien, besides a "metal for the masses" vibe that continued on TNB (with a return of the groovy side with tracks like Hope and Fucker). Honestly, I enjoyed them all, in different ways...

The "pissed off" persona that Devin created back then turned to a more ironic and clever guy, just listen to the lyrics or watch some footage from Ozzfest or Download Festival :lol:

I believe that TNB (or even the previous albums) will start to be more "enjoyable" (I don't know if that's the right word, forgive my 3rd world english :oops: ) if people stop the comparisons with the older material.

#158218 by damnuandurdog
Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:57 am
If Devin knew it was going to be the last SYL record then I feel they could have done more to pull out the stops and completely pull the rug out from under the listeners. Instead of revealing themselves as 'un-metal' in some trite manner to appear ironic they could have delved into newer territory. For instance: there is really no good hip hop influence in Dev's music and I also feel that a combination of metal and urban music is still reeling from the horrible effects of nu-metal.

I think Devin should urbanize SYL - this way Devin could market his new hip image and possibly even be seen as icon of the industry. There could be SYL baby gap style clothes for young SYL'ers (or maybe Strapping Young Tykes?) and possibly a new fragrance if the urban SYL album sells > 2,000,000.

Also, I think Dev could get more cred if he surrounded himself with a posse - preferably young black rappers and ballers that your average white suburban kid looks up to. It may even be possible to get Dev some screen time if he could he be paired up with a young sassy black child that spouted off new catchphrases every Thursday at 8 o'clock ("Oh Devy Didn't!").

Devy could spend more time marketing his products and making bank instead of recording - which let's be honest and fair here - it seems to really make him angry. Every time he's in the studio he's always yelling and screaming and being all retarded manic and shit. That's not dope, that ain't chill and people don't want to associate with that image. He even quit smoking pot so he can't even talk about dank nugs anymore!! I mean come on.

So... Devin needs to: smoke pot, improve his urban image (new clothes maybe a grill? Do Canadians grill?), definitely a posse (and no dorky white people in the posse) and finally he needs to chrome out the 8 string guitar if he ever gets it.

#158223 by Biert
Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:12 am
He needs a big bling-bling pendant around his neck. :lol:

#158253 by Persuader
Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:12 pm
I'd give him the grill.

#158532 by Biert
Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:09 am
Planetsmasher is hip-hop.

#158538 by FUBAR
Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:32 am
Biert wrote:Planetsmasher is hip-hop.

"Tell.. me ..whatcha want from.. me!"

#158579 by senorsuarez
Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:20 am
I really like TNB. I've been listening to Devin since City came out, and TNB is my second favorite SYL album (behind City). The title track is actually one of my favorite SYL songs.

#158592 by KJ Gould
Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:52 am
I like TNB as a fingers up at the music industry for taking itself too seriously, among other sins.

#158596 by kettle
Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:12 am
Persuader wrote:I'd give him the grill.

he he
#167332 by Marijn
Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:36 am
The New Black is my favourite album, together with City. Some say TNB isn't SYL-worthy, but I think it is. The album is a little different from the other albums but it's still very heavy and extreme.


#187790 by strapping_young_lad
Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:53 am
funny_little_guy wrote:
Biert wrote:I don't like TNB much because it lacks the essence of SYL. SYL is about being angry and frustrated, and that creates this extremely heavy and crazy music.

I don't really disagree with you much but the cheese has always been there. Sure it's heavy and crazy music, but it's heavy and crazy music that never really took itself too seriously. I think The New Black was the perfect last album, assuming it is the last album. Last one on century anyway. It's like 'Oh in case you didn't get it, we aren't really that angry.' It emphasized the fact that most metal is just guys trying to create anger and aggressiveness just to sound heavy and it makes a joke out of it. If you took the New Black seriously you'd just be like 'wtf is this' but come on.... "We're made of metal! Harder than steel! Making it better! By keeping it real!" That makes me laugh every time.

i completely agree with "funny_little_guy". sounds like these words came out of my mouth
#188557 by gulpore
Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:00 pm
Can't believe the song Hope is so unpopular, In my opinion it's god damn intense. Great stuff, and I loved the new black, no surprise really, the dev's never let me down yet.

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