Get down there and... well, you know the rest
#231614 by Bucko
Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:48 pm
Hey Devin or anyone else who really knows,

What Frequencies are you rolling off with your High Pass & Low Pass Filters on your Guitar?

What Frequency Bands are you Boasting and Cutting with your Multi-band Equalizer for your Guitar?

What are your Compression Settings on your Guitar? Compression Ratio, Threshold, any and all settings.

Where do you Typically Pan your Guitars in the Mix?

How many Rhythm Guitar Tracks do you Typically do per track?

Any other Tidbits of Info on what exactly you do to your rig to tweek your sound would be much appreciated

Do you do any Final Mastering with Logic? I have Logic and was wondering which setting you'd reccommend

When will Peavey be releasing the PDX-7 "V" (seriously...I can't find out any information on when & how much)

Like Ki, Love Addicted & but Can't Wait for Deconstruction!

Tony aka Planet Bucko

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