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Strapping's greatest album is...

#223244 by Tosser
Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:19 am
Alien for me.

Followed by City, then the self-titled. All three are awesome albums.

As for the New Black though, I really can't understand how anyone can prefer that over the previous 3 albums. Obviously differing opinions and all, but I can't help but wonder if those people are missing the point of Strapping Young Lad altogether.
#224401 by Van Pole
Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:17 pm
City or Alien... that is the question. Two albums that caused earthquake in the metal world. Both shows exteme energy with glorious technique and production.

Mind says "Alien". Heart says "City".


I'll go with City.

1. City (Centipede is truly amazing bonus track !)
2. Alien (very, very close to the 1st place)
4. SYL
5. New Black
#224562 by Octillus
Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:19 am
Tosser wrote:Alien for me.

Followed by City, then the self-titled. All three are awesome albums.

As for the New Black though, I really can't understand how anyone can prefer that over the previous 3 albums. Obviously differing opinions and all, but I can't help but wonder if those people are missing the point of Strapping Young Lad altogether.

I like the new black a lot more than the self titled.

In fact I like all of the other albums more than the self titled. I still like it, it just doesn't catch me the same way.

City though. City blew my high school mind.
#228555 by Pik_Nick'92
Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:52 am
Alien all the way for me, followed closely by City, then TNB, SYL, HAARHT, an no sleep til bedtime. City is bloody insane, but Alien has got the sound that was missing in city imo. Like "Oh My Fucking God" was good but then came "Shitstorm"...Those crazy pitched screams that dev pulls off..jeez.
#233052 by Hurls34
Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:25 pm
City, hands down. No contest.

I still remember the first time I ever heard this, and keep in mind this was coming off Vai's Sex and Religion album.
City changed the way I looked at really heavy music.

I'd rank the New Black second and Alien third. SYL is fourth and Heavy as fifth.
As a rule I don't really rate or count live albums or comps.
#233165 by Vermu
Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:07 am
For me its like no other album reaches the sheer cacophony of Alien.
City is way more composed and in coherence when as Alien just comes out screaming and just when you thought that was it
it takes another leap and crushes your nuts and the ending...oh boy its just going so sideways compared to others.

Personally I do care about all except as hard, it just isn't SYL for me. Of course there are some damn good songs
but for some reason that album never really made such an impact as others.
#233240 by mrbean667
Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:40 pm
Alien. No doubt.
As visceral and emotional as City is, Alien sounds so polished yet chaotic yet melodic all at once. The production is top notch and the songs are incredibly, ball-bustingly, brain meltingly good.

1. Alien
2. City
3. SYL
4. New Black
5. Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing
#243429 by Ouja
Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:02 am
Definitely City with Alien a close second. Funny enough, none of the first three of my top 5 SYL songs are from City. Them being 1.Zen 2.Almost Again 3. Polyphony+The New Black(The song so awesome that it has it's own intro :wink: ) 4. Detox 5. All Hail the New Flesh.
#247741 by kandy666
Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:22 pm
Alien, for sure.

I suck at making music, and suck at anything word-y ... but if I was good at both of them, then I'd hope to produce something that sounded like Alien. The lyrics just sum up my beliefs totally, and remind me of certain points in my life. It's just too epic!!
#248193 by Greg Reason
Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:18 am
I'm so proud of this community when I look at those results. I very rarely agree with any sort of musical polls but this one I am in complete and total agreement with. City is an absolute masterpiece and could never be topped, let's admit it. Alien did come mighty close though, and those two records are quite obviously head and shoulders above the rest of them. Good work people!!

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