Get down there and... well, you know the rest
#251834 by Centurion
Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:51 pm day I realized what SYL..or why SYL became so important to me. I did not come across SYL or Devin before 2005. Then I had been listening ti extreme metal since 92-93. Black metal, death metal, Industrial..and so on.

This kind of dark music felt so right for me, but something was missing, a piece in the puzzle. And that was SYL. gave me a whole new perspective on why...And that might have been that as much as I loved the depressing atmosphere of this music, SYL adds a new dimension to it. ...kind of incorporated the other side of me into brutal music or something not sure if you see what I say here..but that is ok.

Just wanted to share this thoughts..

And..add on.. The way SYL ended was so breathtaking. Almost Again, Polyphony and The New Black. Deeply touched...
#251842 by Odysseas
Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:16 am
See what you mean. I had been listening to some very dark and opressing metal before but with SYL everything changed.
There is something that makes SYL take metal to another level and I think this is the fun factor.
There's irony (Satan's icecream truck), sarcasm (Far beyond metal) and also pure stupid efficient jokes that make SYL really one of a kind. Since I discovered SYL (and DTB) I was unable to listen to other bands like FF for a prolonged time, although I really like them. It's just too depressing and SYL just brings fun, joy and enthusiasm to our lives.
I mean, each time I listen to "Do you wanna have a fucking baby? - NOOOOOOO!" I just start laughing.
I can't help but smile when Antiproduct bursts into that funky groovy tune 'For SALE!"
So this is what other bands (however good they might be) lack, in my opinion: FUN!
#251854 by Centurion
Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:18 pm
What I ment was that SYL touches other sides of me than just the dark and depressed side. You have the fun, irony, anger, darkness and happiness.Everything. I think what I wanted to say is that SYL makes extreme metal with a broader emotional expression than most other bands in the extreme metalscene does.
#251856 by Abydost
Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:46 pm
The difference between SYL and most equally heavy music is that SYL has that energy. That really furious angry energy that's coming from Devin's head that he seamlessly transcribes from his mind into his music. That's what makes it so incredibly massive and heavy for me. Not the music itself but the energy that's inside it. Take Rape Song for example. That is seriously some of the sickest shit I've ever heard. Vital Remains and Bloodbath don't even compare. Just like Ocean Machine (which is sacred to me). It's transcended beyond "music" and has become something else. A whole spectrum of feelings imbibed in the art. Awesome shit, yo. That being said, I can't listen to SYL too often (unless I'm just playing along on guitar) because it destroys my brain.
#252690 by mrbean667
Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:51 am
This^^ (as usual)

The energy of SYL is something I have never ever heard before, because Dev POURS his heart and soul into his music. All of the band were so tight that they could put their own twist on Dev's genius, and put it to tape.
Originally I liked SYL because of its humour (You Suck, Satan's Ice Cream Truck), then after I was diagnosed with depression, the other side, the angry, angsty side of SYL appealed to me.
Alien is the ultimate album of all time for me, because of its mad energy. The kind of energy which says GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCK, which is so inaccessible and scares the fuck out of people.

There we go. :lol:
#253005 by Bookwyrm83
Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:48 am
Discovered SYL as my teenage years were leaving me, and I wished I'd heard them sooner (both for my mindset and seeing as how my music range was more limited then compared to now). Even after a decade I still find them to be an outlet that few other bands can match, regardless of whatever mood I'm in. Happy Camper is still one of the heaviest songs for me period, and City as a whole I find is the most cathartic of their albums.

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