All hail Ziltoid!
#170463 by NFF
Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:32 pm
lol i just had one of the wirdest awakenings yet. i woke up to devin screaming "wake up slacker" my first though was devin in my room... and why was his voice so weird. .... and why is he talking about work and coffie. then i realized that i fell asleap to me listening to my ipod which had a playlist of all the dtb songs and it somehow ended up i was woken up by the song "tall late" i laughed after i figured it out.... anybody else have this happen?
#170476 by TallNerdGuy
Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:49 pm
Not with Tall Latte, but I have fallen asleep while listening to the Dev's tunes before, only to wake up further into the album. Actually, I just did that last night with Terria! Woke up during the intro to Tiny Tears...
#170477 by NFF
Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:54 pm
eather that or wakeing up to the inhuman scream at the end of ocean machine XD weeee funnnn
#170488 by Biert
Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:58 am
I've fallen asleep to Unity numerous times, only to wake up in the morning with my MP3 player on the floor with the battery run out...
#170492 by Migstopheles
Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:16 am
Never done it with Ziltoid, but I woke up this morning to Robert Plant making sex noises on Whole Lotta Love :lol:
#170502 by NFF
Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:10 pm
lol yea that happened quite a bit with my old mp3 but now its pretty hard to knock my ipod off the bed. i got those rubber case thingy on it and it like sticks to the sheets. im just suprised that noone had the "wake up" call senario besides me. i remember a thread on ocean machine where people talked about wakeing up to the end of OM with devin going all banshee on his vocal cords.... damn that scream must of hurt after.

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