All hail Ziltoid!

#151233 by Noodles
Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:47 pm
Eyesore wrote:
Noodles wrote:

^ my review

Whoa, noodles! That's one of the best reviews I've read on the album. You rule (temporarily).


Biert wrote:He missed the best song of them all though: Hyperdrive. That's what happens when you write your review by the booklet rather than the actual CD :P

:sad: <-- is it just me or is that the most depressed looking smiley ever?

#151509 by Blazingmonga
Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:55 am
I have been steadily growing a loving appreciation of this album over the last few days, since I received the digipack from HDR. I wasn't sure what to expect (I hadn't heard any of the MP3s/myspace tracks) but I can say for sure that I have been extremely excited about this album since it was first announced.

ZTO is a beautiful work of art. At times it is silly, cheesy and definitely very funny, but this isnt the beauty of it. The beauty is that it is such an uplifting album to listen to. It has made these last few weeks of bus trips something to relish! The plot and characters are very neat but the music that surrounds them is probably the most stunning thing Devin has created since OM. This music is as wonderfully textured and detailed as we all know and love Devin for. Musically Devin has excelled himself in this storming, screaming melodic monster (or is that Alien?) of an album.

Blah. Thats my review. Woops!

PS: Monga is very tired.

#151525 by danceswithchickens
Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:19 pm
Ironically, this album has been making me feel a little depressed. I think it is those strange melodies he uses, namely at the end of "Solar Wind" and the end of "The Greys". They mess with my emotions somehow.

#151530 by Pigmash
Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:59 pm
Given it a few listens so far, like all Devin stuff im liking some of the lighter stuff like Hyperdrive but the rest is going to take a lot of listens before it starts clicking with me...
"Dont Know Why" was pretty funny, Travelling Salesman sounds like it was a test for the DrumKit From Hell or something...

#151544 by Ike
Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:35 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:Ironically, this album has been making me feel a little depressed. I think it is those strange melodies he uses, namely at the end of "Solar Wind" and the end of "The Greys". They mess with my emotions somehow.

funny, those are the parts i like most. and the end of synchestra as well as most of ae fuck me up on the other hand.

#151550 by djskrimp
Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:35 pm
Since we're talking about the feelings we get from listening to this album:

First, it starts off as just a vehicle for the story. But, the music slowly builds and takes over, becoming this massive wall that encloses you. Much like early fall in Germany, where the day is cool and overcast and a bit drizzly, and as the sun goes down, the fog quickly and completely envelops you. It's not quite cloying, but it is EVERYWHERE, almost palatable. It isn't quite depressing, but it is somewhat somber. Then, near the end, (where the music goes to just the guitar and Dev sings "Stay at home for me") it feels as though the fog lifts and the clouds break, and the morning sun is showing its first rays. Then, it picks up again with the "you are a puppet" bit, which is like a late morning single little thunderstorm, and then finally ends with a beautiful cool autumn day. I almost feel refreshed and hopeful every time I listen to the album all the way through, (which is how I usually play it. I just can't seem to break the songs up into feels wrong.)

/idiot mode off

#151571 by tcantafio
Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:21 pm
This CD is easily a 10 on a 10 scale for me. I still can't believe that this CD is pretty much ALL Dev! It is overwhelming to think of undertaking something like this, let alone nailing it 100%! What a risk - but hopefully the rewards come back to him ten-fold. Dev's music takes me on my own personal trip from mood-to-mood, while managing to bring me back down to Earth (uhh...pun intended) with the humorous narratives.

I mean come on - "BEGONE - foul pest! And by the way, the name's Herman...and I hate musicals!" This line alone kills me! Or, " Long time no see, although I SEE everything." LOL.

This album is a "serious break" from the mundane musical crap we have to put up with today. There is nothing "out there" like this and I doubt there will be until...Ziltoid II...Poop in Space? Ziltoid doesn't give shit now, but maybe next time he'll leave a big cosmic one in space! :D

Until the next time - over and out!

Thanks Dev! My pick for album of the year - I hope you sell a million!

#151578 by djskrimp
Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:14 pm
Ziltoid II - Poop in Space.

Ho boy....I like that.

#151589 by Keeker
Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:35 am
djskrimp wrote:Since we're talking about the feelings we get from listening to this album:

First, it starts off as just a vehicle for the story. But, the music slowly builds and takes over, becoming this massive wall that encloses you. Much like early fall in Germany, where the day is cool and overcast and a bit drizzly, and as the sun goes down, the fog quickly and completely envelops you. It's not quite cloying, but it is EVERYWHERE, almost palatable. It isn't quite depressing, but it is somewhat somber. Then, near the end, (where the music goes to just the guitar and Dev sings "Stay at home for me") it feels as though the fog lifts and the clouds break, and the morning sun is showing its first rays. Then, it picks up again with the "you are a puppet" bit, which is like a late morning single little thunderstorm, and then finally ends with a beautiful cool autumn day. I almost feel refreshed and hopeful every time I listen to the album all the way through, (which is how I usually play it. I just can't seem to break the songs up into feels wrong.)

/idiot mode off

A beautiful description of it! And yes, I agree that although I may have favourite tracks (a lot of them) I have to listen all the way through too. It just works better that way.

#151626 by Das Schuetzenfest
Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:53 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:Ironically, this album has been making me feel a little depressed.

Same here. Maybe it's the "WE ARE ALL PUPPETS!" part, which strikes me as very true, or maybe it is Devin's announcement to become the hermit Jedi master of metal.

#151636 by Leechmaster
Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:21 pm
Das Schuetzenfest wrote:hermit Jedi master of metal.

I'm sure Dev'd love that title!

I find the album to be quite uplifting, but the thoughts of the career moves Dev announced before and after the release of Ziltoid does put a depressing twist on it. Although it isn't the last thing we'll see from him (If it is I'll eat every Dev-related booklet I have..), it still feels like a bit of a curtain call. So basically, how I feel on the whole thing is: the album itself is happy happy, but the background/repercussions are sad.

#152381 by shiram
Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:14 am
niklang wrote:Blabbermouth review: ... iewID=1147

Surprisingly good.
And not too many haters posting lame comments.

they will come already a few there, but what else to expect?
i guess im the only one who likes this album but doesnt herald as such a master-piece
its definately fun and interesting, but it somehow all feels already so familliar
like a mix of all things devy related pour into a cup ( of coffee!)

more listens are indeed needed though

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