All hail Ziltoid!
#181973 by Amber
Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:42 pm
I got no idea what that means either, but it does sound cool =D

Although...What would happen if 2 different dimentions collided? I don't know why, your post jsut made me thought of that. :P
#181976 by The Oid
Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:47 pm
One project I worked on, got some kind of sponsorship deal with some energy drink (I forget the name of it now), the whole team were given a free can of the stuff each. Unfortunately, a few people didn't read the label on the can that said "do not consume the whole can in one sitting", until after they'd had the whole can. All of them came in the next day, having not slept at all the night before.

Good times.
#182205 by AccEvolution
Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:01 pm
theoryman wrote:
Amber wrote:Well, I was travelling to college this morning, and reading the paper like the typical person, when one thing catches my eye.

Turns out, the colour of the universe is a kind of Beige, and its called "Cosmic Latte"
The universe and coffee run hand in hand, it would seem.

EDIT: Maybe next time I'll pay attention to my crappy spelling in titles :P

Also, the universe hums in b-flat.

If I tried real hard to relate that to coffee, I'd say that your electric coffee pot uses A/C power. Alternating current is either 50hz or 60hz depending on where you live. 60hz is between b and b-flat, 50hz is between g and g-sharp. :mrgreen:

Hmm, fluorescent lights also hum at a B-flat. So obviously that means the Sun is a gigantic fluorescent light bulb - Lightbulb Sun! I think Mr. Wilson is on to something... :idea:
#182207 by hairbearbunch
Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:21 pm
Centurion wrote:I just learned that the big bang started because two branes collided in the 11th dimension... or something like that.

I have no idea what that means.. but it sounds cool.. :D

"THE WORD" The vesica pisces. One becoming two. An identity of another self existing. This is a constant happening, infinitely.
#182317 by the-fluke
Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:26 pm
Amber wrote:
hairbearbunch wrote:So is B flat our (present) note in the Grander Universal orchestration? And our spectrum of the Greater Light show, 'out there' (and 'in here' (your body)) light can be sound and sound can be light.

Wow, thats a cool mental image... All I can imagine is someone writing out the 'tune' of the universe and all it's colours from one awesome organ. :D

Reminds me of how Arda and Middle-Earth were created from the music of the Ainur, sang from the theme of Iluvatar.
#182372 by robvondoom
Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:49 am
I'm being constantly hounded by the number 23! So I've decided to devote my 23rd post to it, in order that it may consider leaving me alone. I used to just toe the coincidence line but now when I look at the time it's nearly always 23 minutes past. And I'm constantly pausing tracks at 23 second past a minute. I think my own perception of time is actually fucking with me. :coucou: But sometimes I allow myself to think it has some grand cosmic signifigance. Which is kinda nice some times.

BAH! I've wasted enough board space.
#182375 by Amber
Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:59 am
Actually. Theres quite a big thing around the number 23. I can't explain it too well though. Seen the film Number 23? I think that's meant to be based around it. :P
A lot of insane people like the number 23 too. o.o
#182382 by BlueRaja
Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:29 am
237 is my number, so I'm always conscious of 23. And 237 happens to be the room number of the naked crazy woman in The Shining. I'm hoping that's just a coincidence.
#182392 by robvondoom
Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:55 am
Amber wrote:Actually. Theres quite a big thing around the number 23. I can't explain it too well though. Seen the film Number 23? I think that's meant to be based around it. :P
A lot of insane people like the number 23 too. o.o

Indeed I did. Was disappointed to tell the truth. In the film it reminds him of something he wanted to forget. I think the main deal with it was after it gained notoriety is was exploited to the point where it's being thrown out there ad nauseum in films, tv etc. Tool have a song that's meant alot to me recently. 46/2. It reminded me of a picture I'd drawn about a couple years ago because of the step outside your shadow line till I realised divide 46 by 2 and you get 23.

Maybe it's a psycological thing, like certain colour mixes and images and as a result gets used in popular media to pique interest in our minds. Or else it is some kind of great cosmological secret that only the chosen can know. Heh heh heh. I have serious ego issues.
Take that! Stupid Ego!!!
#182393 by Josiah Tobin
Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:57 am
robvondoom wrote:I'm being constantly hounded by the number 23! So I've decided to devote my 23rd post to it, in order that it may consider leaving me alone. I used to just toe the coincidence line but now when I look at the time it's nearly always 23 minutes past. And I'm constantly pausing tracks at 23 second past a minute. I think my own perception of time is actually fucking with me. :coucou: But sometimes I allow myself to think it has some grand cosmic signifigance. Which is kinda nice some times.

BAH! I've wasted enough board space.

Feel free to say 'bullshit' if you don't believe in it or if you've heard me ramble about it enough, but... law of attraction right there. :) I get the exact same things with 4s and 7s. 44 (most common), 47, 74, 447, etc. I see them EVERYwhere constantly, like to the point where one might start freaking out. It doesn't bother me though because I know it's just coming from me (and I'm even grateful for it because it proves to me what I believe about the universe). It's just how obsessions perpetuate themselves, really...


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