gozu wrote:i have to say, i don't like that it (may) just be a daydream. if you look at it all as just a story rather than the whole introspective thing i thinks its an annoying ending , just like the ending of Ayreons the human equation... other that that though i love this album really really love it.... city>terria>ZTO>the rest
I disagree about the ending, without Tall Latte it would've still been complete, and a great and deep ending at that, but Tall Latte to me ads the sense of someone figuring this whole thing out for themselves (maybe I'm lucky it doesn't take away form the absurdness of the story I guess, which I can see as being a problem for someone else), remember that the reality behind many great fictional stories is the same thing as this album, someone daydreaming about a concept and getting lost in their own story.
Just my take on the whole thing.
Edit to clarify just a little bit, so often people view these types of endings as easy copouts, but that's not the case with Ziltoid at all, the story was complete already when this was revealed so it can only add the way I look at it.