All hail Ziltoid!
#191236 by daneulephus
Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:47 am
I would think the "Hey Dev" threads would be the ultimate form of flattery, regardless of how silly they are. I know I am guilty of a few, but damn......excuse me for being a fan. A connection to Devin is the main reason I signed up for the forum, and I don't think I am alone here.

I think it comes from a need to belong.....and for the longest time I thought I was isolated in my thinking about his music and beliefs, but now I know I am not. All thanx to these threads, and the posts from people who ask these questions. If an answer comes, great! If not, I understand he is a busy guy.
#191244 by OceanMachine15
Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:50 am
Yeah Zyprexa, it's just a question.
Personally, I think you're being stubborn about admitting that and the only reason you came to this thread was because you wanted to feel important about being Dev's special defender or something. This is a MESSAGE BOARD, questions are going to get asked, especially when the guy they're about frequents the board. Plus, you say I want to feel important or something? What do I have to feel important about? I feel so important I haven't even posted anything about myself on this message board ever. I want to feel so important I hardly ever post anything at all, so don't think that. Oh and one more thing. You say that if it's worth knowing, it will presumably have been asked in the past: so you're basically saying that we don't ever need to ask a question about ANYTHING ever again? :shock:
#191283 by Warhead
Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:16 pm
Zyprexa, I totally see where you're coming from. At first it may seem flattering, but after a while I would imagine it gets annoying.

Personally, I wouldn't want everybody examining every little thought I had. Especially if it's a stranger who I know nothing about. Some things I would share with close friends, other things I keep completely to myself.
We're all entitled to privacy, and everyone should respect that. Some things are just meant to be kept personal. You ever wonder why he doesn`t talk much about his personal life?

I'm not Devin so I can't say how he feels about this whole thing. There really are 2 ways to look at it, I guess it just depends on the person. Anyways, I think the music speaks for itself.
#191314 by Zyprexa
Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:48 pm
I'm definitely outnumbered in my opinion; if it doesn't bother many people then it doesn't matter.

OceanMachine15 wrote:Personally, I think you're being stubborn about admitting that and the only reason you came to this thread was because you wanted to feel important about being Dev's special defender or something.

I am way too important and special already. More importance and specialness would be simply overwhelming.
#191318 by BlackFabio, Inc.
Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:22 pm
Zyprexa is right - "Hey Dev" threads are mostly silly. So whaaaaaaaaaaat all the fuss about? (quoting the man)

Sure, here we have the possibility of interact with not only with fans, but also with Dev himself, and that brings all kind of fanboyish feelings to all of us...but come on, although he's "close" to our humble fanbase, he's not our longtime buddy (even when it feels like), and more important: he's not a FAQ. Since Dev had become more present on the forums, we've seen a bunch of threads which have been already answered before, a little research here or @google can confirm it. We're also watching some threads regarding technical questions outside the "Dev on Production" forum, personal/past production questions outside of the "Old Dev" stuff, and so on. I really don't feel bothered about it, but I think it would be better for everybody if we start to post on the right "spots", and let the "Devin Townsend" forum only for the upcoming albums related stuff.

And finally, as someone stated, this is a message board, so we can't avoid different opinions or "moods" regarding the way someone complain or feels about an specific issue. A "politically correct" HevyDevy forum don't make much sense, you know... :wink:

PS.: Please, someone prevent the swedish guy from posting his Hyperdrive cover on EVERY FRIGGIN THREAD!! :x :lol:

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