Hey guys!! (I'm french so excuse my english )
I don't know if I post in the right place, but i'm working on the solo shown by Dev in ZTO Special Edition (Gear Demonstration).
I need a preamp/processor that makes the echos (all I have is a Zoom g2.1u Delay that I can't stand anymore )
I have heard about the Boss RE-20 Space Echo or a GX-700...
If anyone know how to get some devin's echos without breaking the bank, please tell me
Here is a preview of my work :
I don't know if I post in the right place, but i'm working on the solo shown by Dev in ZTO Special Edition (Gear Demonstration).
I need a preamp/processor that makes the echos (all I have is a Zoom g2.1u Delay that I can't stand anymore )
I have heard about the Boss RE-20 Space Echo or a GX-700...
If anyone know how to get some devin's echos without breaking the bank, please tell me
Here is a preview of my work :