The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#185665 by Dan G
Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:15 am
Hey Dev, I'm a massive fan of the huge vocal sound & layering on all your albums. Sycophancy aside, Ocean Machine has genuinely been my favourite album for ten years now.

Anyway, I'd love it if you could help with a few points on this.

Firstly, roughly how many vocal tracks you usually do for backing vocals and what do they mostly comprise of? (i.e. lots of falcetto harmonies, lower subtler harmonies etc.)
Also, how do you treat your lead and backing vocals in terms of delay/verb? I'm guessing the backing vox are a fair bit wetter than the lead vocal track(s)...

Any rough delay and verb settings/advice, or in fact any response would be massively appreciated. I post on another music production/engineering forum and there are a LOT of people that respect your work and I know would love to hear a bit more about this.

Cheers in advance!

#185715 by Devymetalnut
Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:08 am
Cool question, by the way are you Dan Goldsworthy from My Minds Weapon? If so im a huge fan, your guitarwork rules, what do Blackmachines play like, v interested in them. Sorry if a bit off topic btw, i'd also love to know about vocal production as im a budding studio engineer/production assistant. Cheers
#185829 by Dan G
Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:14 am
Devymetalnut wrote:Cool question, by the way are you Dan Goldsworthy from My Minds Weapon? If so im a huge fan, your guitarwork rules, what do Blackmachines play like, v interested in them. Sorry if a bit off topic btw, i'd also love to know about vocal production as im a budding studio engineer/production assistant. Cheers

yeah man, it's me - well guessed! (although I notice someone here has the username "DanG" which isn't me).
And thanks very much!

Blackmachines are incredible, i've had mine over 2 years now. I've honestly never played a guitar that compares to it in terms of actual playability. Tone is great and they are very light which is nice on your back. I'd be beyond devestated if anything ever happened to mine. If you have the money and patience (they are £2k minimum with a 2 year+ waiting list these days) then I'd go for it without hesitation. I'd order another one like a shot but can't justify it - especially as I've just gone and ordered a Diezel Cab.

On a slight side note I actually saw a picture of Dev playing an 8-string blackmachine in guitar world or total guitar a couple of years ago.

Oh, and hey Hog - thought you'd be here! :)
#185910 by Devymetalnut
Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:38 pm
Dan G wrote:
Devymetalnut wrote:Cool question, by the way are you Dan Goldsworthy from My Minds Weapon? If so im a huge fan, your guitarwork rules, what do Blackmachines play like, v interested in them. Sorry if a bit off topic btw, i'd also love to know about vocal production as im a budding studio engineer/production assistant. Cheers

yeah man, it's me - well guessed! (although I notice someone here has the username "DanG" which isn't me).
And thanks very much!

Blackmachines are incredible, i've had mine over 2 years now. I've honestly never played a guitar that compares to it in terms of actual playability. Tone is great and they are very light which is nice on your back. I'd be beyond devestated if anything ever happened to mine. If you have the money and patience (they are £2k minimum with a 2 year+ waiting list these days) then I'd go for it without hesitation. I'd order another one like a shot but can't justify it - especially as I've just gone and ordered a Diezel Cab.

On a slight side note I actually saw a picture of Dev playing an 8-string blackmachine in guitar world or total guitar a couple of years ago.

Oh, and hey Hog - thought you'd be here! :)

Thanks for the reply man, haha thats awesome good to see you on here, ive seen that pic of Dev playing it, looks like a beast, yeah ive had the honour of playing a B2 once and was amazed, will get one eventually for sure. Diezel are shithot amps, pure beef.On another side note, my band learnt 'Goodbyes' today from The Carrion Sky, fun to play for sure just to get ourselves tighter hehe. Oh and nice one on getting mixed by Wellerhill, those guys rule.
#185977 by Dan G
Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:25 am
Haha, amazing! :D

That song is pretty old now - at least 5 years old in fact. It's quite a simple one so fun to play live, although we stopped doing it quite a while back now.

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