I know you did a remix of one of their songs, but what are your thoughts on em? Any chance of ever producing their albums or something?
It'd make for one sexy sounding album.
But yeah, their talent mixed with Dev's crisp production would be awesome, an assault that woule make ones ears bleed in delight
But yeah, their talent mixed with Dev's crisp production would be awesome, an assault that woule make ones ears bleed in delight

hey nonny nonny, Devy's gonna get you!
They are about to tour with Misery Signals too. One can only hope that Misery Singals recommends devin to them for their next album. Plus pth and devin are both Canadian, so its perfect!
I dont think its possible not to like protest the hero. with songs like Sequisa throne
Fuck you buddy

ewww... hardcore... im just really not into hardcore... at all...
im more about bands like AEON and Bloodbath... mmmm death metal
im more about bands like AEON and Bloodbath... mmmm death metal
Wosko wrote:im more about bands like AEON and Bloodbath... mmmm death metal
Thumbs up
.:: My friends and I, there were no others ::.
Man i just had the sickest idea ever Peter Tatgren and Dev need to get together and make a song or two...
the 2 styles would clash in an awesome blend i think you guys need to meet lol
the 2 styles would clash in an awesome blend i think you guys need to meet lol
Wosko wrote:ewww... hardcore... im just really not into hardcore... at all...
im more about bands like AEON and Bloodbath... mmmm death metal
I agree about the hardcore thing, but they're more mathcore. Protest the Hero is more respectable then most -core bands. I need to look into getting some of thier stuff.
When I first heard Protest The Hero, it was Kezia, and I thought "They're like Sikth, but with even more emo vocals". When I heard Fortress, I had the impression that they had mixed Sikth with Between The Buried And Me, which should be awesome but eventually didn't do much for me really. Maybe I should listen to it some more.
Biert Is Extraordinarily Rad & Terrific
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"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy
Twitter.com/Biert | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy
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