BlueRaja wrote:I would love to see Blue Man Group. Dev with Blue Man Group? Even better.
Dev looks great bald. Not all guys can carry that look. The cranium has to be shaped Bruce Willis-like. He can pull it off.
Wasn't Blas Elias affiliated with Bue Man Group at some point?
yes, he was! I believe he drummed for the band that played for the Blue Man group.
I've heard that BMG has a lot of stand ins and that the original guys don't even do it anymore. which sucks, but oh well. They could really just stick dev in there. Paint him blue and no one would know. Expect maybe dev fans who can totally tell by his facial expression. I doubt he would be able to be up there and not be all smiley and crazy.
HAHA photo shop pictures sure to come soon!
oh, and yea Dev looks great bald. He looks way more nerdy, but at the same time he looks like some kind of like super "man" type person. especially how he looks in the Live in Tokyo vids.
But I still prefer the skullet, Which I shall have soon. I'm losing my hair to stress

I wonder if dev got his skullet the same way. Too much anger and stress from SYL just made him go bald? HAH