A looooooong time ago (almost 2 yrs ago), i got a devy newsletterthat said he did a song/solo for a compilation CD for Carpe Diem Records. it said it was his most manic and complicated solo he's EVER done. well, i cant find any info on the record company's site or anywhere on the net. does anyone know if this was ever put into circulation?
I also always wondered about this, but there has been no word from anyone about it. Although, maybe I'm crazy, but did I read on here at one point that Nerd Alert actually became Ziltoidia Attaxx? It would make sense...it has a complicated solo, and on top of that, Capt. Spectacular wants to out Ziltoid as a nerd at the song's end. Then again, maybe thats just a coincidence and Nerd Alert is still chillin' on some guy's desk at Magna Carta.

Want to move? Feel the groove!
Nothing official, just speculation. Personally I think it turned into "Spinning Backwards" on the Terror Syndrome record.
(Yay for search!)
(Yay for search!)
Biert Is Extraordinarily Rad & Terrific
Twitter.com/Biert | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy
Twitter.com/Biert | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy
interesting connection between "nerd alert" and "ziltiod"...its a possibility. although i think timewise, he recorded the nerd alert thing after he was well into Ziltiod. plus, i dont think you can record for a record and then say, "hey, i changed my mind. i wanna use it for myself". i could be wrong though.
i just listened to "spinning backwards". yeah, i might bet that that IS it. great stuff.
Cant wait, sounds like it will be a really good record! Dev will probably own it 

Im a whore!
This seems to be lost at space...
"I'm not insane, I'm not insane, I'm just smarter than you!"
Great names (Between The Buried And Me, Daath, Dev), I hope it gets a release in Europe too.
The cover is horrible though.
The cover is horrible though.
Biert Is Extraordinarily Rad & Terrific
Twitter.com/Biert | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy
Twitter.com/Biert | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy
Biert wrote:Great names (Between The Buried And Me, Daath, Dev), I hope it gets a release in Europe too.
The cover is horrible though.
In true Magna Carta fashion.
Who cares about the damn cover? Its gonna be awesome!
Im a whore!
Looks like a good line-up.. And I do love me my instrumentals.. Can't wait!
shut up and kiss me you walking infection
I don't know how long I searched for this song on the net.... too long i spose but am still very eager to hear it, just glad the 'employees' at Magna Carta records have got their shit together i spose, bring on the alerted Nerd! (Thats Dev right....?)
And your right, the cover art definately needs changing, so many bands get artwork wrong these days, I for one appreciate good art and Dev's albums have sported some of my faves, just look at Synchestra/Ocean Machine/Ziltoid 

hey nonny nonny, Devy's gonna get you!
Devymetalnut wrote:I don't know how long I searched for this song on the net.... too long i spose but am still very eager to hear it, just glad the 'employees' at Magna Carta records have got their shit together i spose, bring on the alerted Nerd! (Thats Dev right....?)And your right, the cover art definately needs changing, so many bands get artwork wrong these days, I for one appreciate good art and Dev's albums have sported some of my faves, just look at Synchestra/Ocean Machine/Ziltoid
All a matter of how you look at it... Different forms of art desire different attention =) I think it looks good.
"I'm not insane, I'm not insane, I'm just smarter than you!"
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