The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#177991 by Wosko
Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:33 pm
So i tried emailing devin this and my gmail tells me his inbox is full... Nice way to be dev :D

So i was wondering after years of touring and putting premium release after release and living in B.C. ... xD...

what does the dev think of blazing the cannibus? Does he blaze? He says something about being high for 15 years but maybe thats a different kind of dope?

This coming from someone who bought the city record when he was 9 and a long time fan and supporter of SYL and DTB and a fellow canadian from your provincial neighbor, alberta dedmonton to be exact (well sherwood park being a suburb of edmonton)

also dev you have the same ISP as me lol GO SHAW YEAH WESTERN CANADA!

my brother was diagnosed with manic depression (similar to what dev has) and he finds smoking weed beats any medication hes ever taken and hes been a long time stoner going on 10 years

i know some people cant smoke just because their brain chemistry and makes them panicy, ect completely understandable and whatnot

uhh yeah so my ultimate question is to the all mighty hevy devy:

smoke weed? no weed? sometimes?

ps. CANT WAIT FOR KI! once i heard you were planning on a new release me and my gf celebrated by blazin some bong :P
#178005 by Ageia
Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:18 pm
hooray for living in a small town in british columbia if ya catch mah drift
#178011 by soundsofentropy
Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:46 pm
Hooray for Austin, Texas (!) in the same drift.

Although I quit awhile ago... :shock:

Anyway, to stay on topic, according to his posts and interviews and such, Dev has smoked more than his fair share of pot. I'd be willing to bet he's touched a few psychedelics, too. But that's just my speculation.
#178016 by Wosko
Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:22 am
lol i figured as much BUT WHERES THE DEV

i was more fishing to start a convo with the high and mighty but i guess hes got his kid and wife to take care of and cant give all his time to the forum people :|

also i r lazy please dont direct me to threads maybe some quotes?
#178017 by soundsofentropy
Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:38 am
Wosko wrote:lol i figured as much BUT WHERES THE DEV

i was more fishing to start a convo with the high and mighty but i guess hes got his kid and wife to take care of and cant give all his time to the forum people :|

also i r lazy please dont direct me to threads maybe some quotes?

Well, you ought to check out the "DTB and the Use of Drugs" thread. The other one doesn't have quite so many notes on the subject. You can also search for his posts (just find his name--"The Dev"--somewhere and look up his posts). But I guess this would be sort of anti-lazy...

Here's a quote from 2005 (things have changed now):
The Dev wrote:I smoke a bit of pot (at night...not before driving)

I like red wine at the moment (1 glass at night sometimes)

I like Black coffee

Be careful with drugs...any drug. :!:

He does read the forum, though, as far as I can tell. He only posts every so often, but usually with news about Ki. :D

I think it's pretty awesome that he takes the time to post, anyway.
#178046 by Wosko
Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:53 pm
Thanks alot dudes i think ill fit right into this forum 8)


youre my hero dontcha know and id kill my first born son to have a jam sesh with you :P

although my gf took the morning after pill so my first born son died anyways LOL
#178062 by Warhead
Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:11 pm
Wosko wrote:Thanks alot dudes i think ill fit right into this forum 8)


youre my hero dontcha know and id kill my first born son to have a jam sesh with you :P

although my gf took the morning after pill so my first born son died anyways LOL

#178064 by soundsofentropy
Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:34 pm
Wosko wrote:Thanks alot dudes i think ill fit right into this forum 8)


youre my hero dontcha know and id kill my first born son to have a jam sesh with you :P

although my gf took the morning after pill so my first born son died anyways LOL

If he wasn't born, I don't think he can be your first-born son.
#178260 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:59 pm
Warhead wrote:
Wosko wrote:Thanks alot dudes i think ill fit right into this forum 8)


youre my hero dontcha know and id kill my first born son to have a jam sesh with you :P

although my gf took the morning after pill so my first born son died anyways LOL


^^ That's the response I had. :o

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I have to ask it:

Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

I guess I'm kinda out of the loop because I've never had anything to do with weed before, it's just not that interesting to me - but it seems like it's absolutely fascinating to everyone else. Why is that?

Honest question. :|
#178268 by Ageia
Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:56 pm
I don't know. My best guess is they think they've found something amazing and want to be nice and share it with everyone... frankly, my experiences have been interesting but I've yet to feel anything that warrants the sort of culture marijuana has.
#178272 by Amber
Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:15 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:
Warhead wrote:
Wosko wrote:Thanks alot dudes i think ill fit right into this forum 8)


youre my hero dontcha know and id kill my first born son to have a jam sesh with you :P

although my gf took the morning after pill so my first born son died anyways LOL


^^ That's the response I had. :o

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I have to ask it:

Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

I guess I'm kinda out of the loop because I've never had anything to do with weed before, it's just not that interesting to me - but it seems like it's absolutely fascinating to everyone else. Why is that?

Honest question. :|

Don't worry DsD, I don't get it either. But I've had nothing to do with drugs at any point. (I don't even drink!) I'm not forced too think that way - I decided that since I was like, 10. xD Never appealed to me at all.

And - You want to strike up a conversation with Devin, and the thing you want to bring up is drugs? :P Maybe I'm just weird, but it doesn't seem like the best of converastion starters? Maybe? I dunno. :D

#178273 by soundsofentropy
Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:16 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:
Warhead wrote:
Wosko wrote:Thanks alot dudes i think ill fit right into this forum 8)


youre my hero dontcha know and id kill my first born son to have a jam sesh with you :P

although my gf took the morning after pill so my first born son died anyways LOL


^^ That's the response I had. :o

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I have to ask it:

Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

I guess I'm kinda out of the loop because I've never had anything to do with weed before, it's just not that interesting to me - but it seems like it's absolutely fascinating to everyone else. Why is that?

Honest question. :|

Even when I smoked daily (and more), I still can't say I sympathized with the pot culture. I was happy to oblige if someone had a question about pot or wanted to discuss legality, health, or some other issue pertaining to weed, but I never advertised. While I considered myself a stoner, I suppose I wasn't a "true" pothead since weed wasn't the integral piece of every thought pattern I had.

When it comes down to it, I think it's an addictive personality thing. People who smoke a lot of pot (some of my very close friends included) enjoy smoking to the point where it could be considered an addiction (I know, I know--pot is not physically addictive, but psychological addiction is fairly common), and as a consequence, they end up grabbing onto to every little facet of the substance and its use. In a sense, it's just like being obsessed with a musician. I know more about Devin Townsend than I probably ought to, not because I take interest in random people, but because I like his music a lot. And I'm sure I end up spewing musical and non-musical things about Dev to my friends who don't even like him that much. Anyway, just my thoughts.

The way I see it, here's a long story short. Pot is just a drug. It's a relatively harmless intoxicating substance that can make you feel great and experience things in new ways for about 2 hours (but it can also make you paranoid and uneasy). But like any drug, you run the risk of falling in love with the effects and associated experiences and letting it take you over. So, in my opinion, there really isn't any point in being thrilled about it (any more than being thrilled about psilocybin, LSD, alcohol, or anything else), but that's not to say anything negative about the substances or those who love them. :wink:

Another contributor seems to be weed's social status. It's popular, but illegal most places. It justifies people who love it in thinking that it's a worthy cause to push for its legalization, and hence spreading the culture and general respect present in those circles for plant material. It's intoxicant evangelism. :wink:

I hope I've answered your question somewhat. :oops:

Take a note from the Dev:
The Dev wrote:Be careful with drugs...any drug. :!:
#178295 by Kivenkantaja
Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:00 am
soundsofentropy wrote: Pot is just a drug.


A couple of friends of mine smoke weed every now and than and i'm cool with that but always trying to keep them from expanding the use beyond weekends. I've seen what happens to people who smoke every day, give em a few years and they are vegetables.
#178298 by Alex78
Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:55 am
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

because smoking pot and everything that comes with it makes up 90% of their lives maybe?

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