The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#177443 by Rabid Pickle
Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:33 am
Post any cool stories you have of Devin.

I was not able to go to Sounds of the Underground in Denver whenever SYL was on it becuase of JURY DUTY! I was so pissed. A bunch of my friends and my brother went. So my brother went to meet SYL and he told Devin I am a HUGE fan and wasn't able to come because of jury duty and Devin thought that SUCKED. When he signed the paper my brother got for me, he drew a little stick figure with a middle finger and wrote "jury duty" with an arrow to the picture. :D
#177455 by Amber
Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:04 pm
Haha, dude, that is cool.

I have no Devin stories though unfortunatly. :cry:
Curse me not knowing about him sooner! -shakes fist in anger- xD
#177484 by Ageia
Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:54 pm
i got a cool shirt off his ebay and got a signed poster from ordering merch

now i just need a hug and i am complete
#177487 by Deathcom7000
Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:59 am
Just recently my friend called Devin's agent, lying and saying that he wanted to offer Devin some kind of record deal. Instead, my friend left him a message Devin if he would call me to wish me a happy birthday. His agent deleted the message before Dev could hear it though. I'm kind of happy it got deleted, even though I'd love to get a happy birthday message from Dev. But I'm sure he has better things to do than call some random kid up. I loved my friend just for even considering the idea though.
#177492 by Aden
Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:19 am
Last week Devin let me 'crash' round his place for the week. We spent most of the time 'rocking out' to 'Ki' (which sounds fucking awesome). He also let me record a couple of songs, with him producing, and he called Gene to come over and record the drum parts for me. He let me take home the ziltoid puppet, and gave me a signed copy of every form of merchandise related to him. At the end of the week he offered me to join him when he eventually gets touring again, and will keep me in mind if ever he needs a backup guitarist at any upcoming gigs.



... oh, gay... it was aaaaall just a dreeeaaaam

Unfortunately i have no Devin stories :|
#177503 by Biert
Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:52 pm
"Devin's agent", would that be Tracy?
#177537 by filthmammoth
Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:46 am
I met Dev when he was in Perth on the SYL tour. He was very cool. Not much more to say, he signed my copy of City and chatted for a couple of minutes then went to his hotel.

My girlfriend met Gene the next day and talked to him for ages, but thats her Gene story not my Devy story.
#177611 by Nathan_lol
Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:54 pm
Once I made a really angry post (in retrospect, I'm embarassed it exists) and Devin said this:

The Dev wrote:Dude,

Life is full of things that make you angry...please be careful...syl is about stress relief and not anger...wishing ill on someone only makes things worse.

Try talking rationally to the guy, and remember, life is usually shitty because people don't spend the time trying to be rational.

Please be careful. Things are often different than they seem.

#177613 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:02 pm
Amber wrote:Haha, dude, that is cool.

I have no Devin stories though unfortunatly. :cry:
Curse me not knowing about him sooner! -shakes fist in anger- xD

Join the club. Of course it would just so happen that I would get into Devin right around the time he's taking a break from touring and everything. This happens with every group I like - I always miss them by a year or more.

Our Devy time will come Amber, it will come. Be patient :mrgreen:
#177622 by Persuader
Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:35 am
I met Dev and Gene after the played Swedish Hultsfred festival, talked briefly about how the tour was going etc. Remember Devin looked really tired, he complained about the mosquitos and the sound on stage that night. Gene was also really cool and funny guy. I cursed myself for not bringing my camera but at least I got my shirt signed. 8)
#177652 by Amber
Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:58 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:
Amber wrote:Haha, dude, that is cool.

I have no Devin stories though unfortunatly. :cry:
Curse me not knowing about him sooner! -shakes fist in anger- xD

Join the club. Of course it would just so happen that I would get into Devin right around the time he's taking a break from touring and everything. This happens with every group I like - I always miss them by a year or more.

Our Devy time will come Amber, it will come. Be patient :mrgreen:

Ugh I know exactly what you mean! Or by the time you want to see them live, there playing some giant arena for £50!
Please don't do that Devin I'll cry :cry: and then pay it anyway. xD

And I'm full of patience... Sometimes. :P
#177655 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:47 pm
Amber wrote:Ugh I know exactly what you mean! Or by the time you want to see them live, there playing some giant arena for £50!
Please don't do that Devin I'll cry :cry: and then pay it anyway. xD

And I'm full of patience... Sometimes. :P

Haha yeah that's how it always works! But like you... I'd still pay the crazy prices to go. :mrgreen:
It's a real shame when you get into a group after they've already gone on hiatus, or disbanded all together - SYL anyone? =[

I imgaine if I ever got to see the Dev, I'd like to ask him where he buys his pants (I kinda dig them, you know) I'd also like to ask him how long it takes for him to grow that beard-thing he sometimes sports. I'd also like to ask something about Gene, but I can't think of a good question at the moment.
Other than those stupid ass, trivial questions, I suppose I'd tell him he rules and that he's got a new fan for life: me! :D Sound good?
#177657 by Amber
Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:01 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:
Amber wrote:Ugh I know exactly what you mean! Or by the time you want to see them live, there playing some giant arena for £50!
Please don't do that Devin I'll cry :cry: and then pay it anyway. xD

And I'm full of patience... Sometimes. :P

Haha yeah that's how it always works! But like you... I'd still pay the crazy prices to go. :mrgreen:
It's a real shame when you get into a group after they've already gone on hiatus, or disbanded all together - SYL anyone? =[

I imgaine if I ever got to see the Dev, I'd like to ask him where he buys his pants (I kinda dig them, you know) I'd also like to ask him how long it takes for him to grow that beard-thing he sometimes sports. I'd also like to ask something about Gene, but I can't think of a good question at the moment.
Other than those stupid ass, trivial questions, I suppose I'd tell him he rules and that he's got a new fan for life: me! :D Sound good?

heehee that sounds good to me! If I met them I'd probably do what I always do.

Make this face: :shock: and sqeak.
I wish I could keep some coherancy when I speak to people I look up too :cry:
Oh well, it makes them giggle a little usually. :P

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