The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#174744 by auldj
Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:22 am
I read in another forum (a seven string one) that he was going to get an 8 string...don't know if that's true or not.

I'm currently deciding whether or not to build a 7 or 8 string. The trouble with an 8 string though is lack of supplies...hard to get bridges and stuff...and worried about the neck, don't want to make it too thick so I can't play or too thin so it warps under the stress of the strings.

Think I'll go with the 7 string...
#174747 by Biert
Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:27 pm
At some point he did say that there was an 8 string in the making, but we've never heard of seen anything of it after that.

And at some point Devin did say something along the lines of "Meshuggah are probably the best metal band ever" but I have no idea if he tries to play their music.
#174809 by Lawrence
Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:14 am
I think 8 string guitars just looks so bad ass. i guess its the width of the neck or somthing. they look really heavy as well. gonna have to get one at some point even if i cant play guitar very well yet haha. Well excluding SYL because they are far beyond just metal, id say meshuggah are pretty much one of the best metal bands around in my opinion. I like Amon Amarth alot as well :guitar:
#174816 by BrunoN
Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:28 am
Biert wrote:They sound like shit though. With latest Mesuggah album as prime example.

I know you hate them, but come on, these guitars sound really good there.

Usage of lower strings is limited I guess, chords on them or faster picking look like a bad idea.Which means that everytime you play ze 8-stringer you'll end up trying to sound like Meshuggah:). Or doing that horrible wanky thing, like sweeping the shit out of all strings like most of youtube guitarists do.
Last edited by BrunoN on Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#174820 by Biert
Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:19 am
BrunoN wrote:
Biert wrote:They sound like shit though. With latest Mesuggah album as prime example.

I know you hate them, but come on, these guitars sound really good there.

Not at all. The guitar sound on Obzen is appalling. Reminded me of this:

#175106 by Matt Nevens
Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:24 am
Ive owned an ESP SC 607 for about a year now, the same guitar as Dev wrote Synchestra on and its the most amazing guitar ive ever played, it sounds so awesome and it has never gone out of tune even after thrashing the shit out of it.

ESP have just brought out a new 8 string model (SC 608!), its not the same guitar as Meshuggah use but maybe its better?

Cant go wrong with a 7 string ESP though.

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