The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#171631 by Roddy
Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:17 am
G'day all. I'm an obsessed and long time Devin fan from Down Under. I often check in on this forum for updates and talk on the great man, but (I think!) this is my 1st post. I have every album between SYL and the 'solo' stuff of course, and there was a time when he was coming to Australia every tour, so I've seen him what I'm pretty sure would be 4 times. And of course been completely blown away beyond belief by every single release and every live show! I think we started taking for granted that he would be here for every album, but it's been a bit of a shock to the system to read about Dev's relationship with playing live and touring is these days. I think you will all know what I'm talking about (I write a Metal column for a local street mag here in Melbourne. I recently interviewed Bjorn from Soilwork who recorded vocals for their last album with Devin in his home studio. He told me that Dev told him that Devin HATES travelling and touring these days, so the likelihood of him making the 25-odd hour flight to Australia from Vancouver to play would seem slim at very best!)
Anyway, I am the type of person who is completely obsessed with music and my favourite artists. My absolute all time favourite artist is RUSH (Devin is absolute 2nd favourite!), and I have flown to North America twice just to see them (they never have, and never will, come here). I am absolutely willing to fly to North America to see Devin play again, and I was wondering what people though the likelihood of him touring North America, or even simply doing some special 'home town' shows again were? Or is he just completely done with playing live altogether?
And of course, if the man himself is reading this, what are your thoughts? (-:
I think I speak for everyone here by saying I would LLLLOOOOVE to see him play live again! And I would make the 25 hour flight just to see it!
#171633 by FUBAR
Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:15 am
Hey man, welcome.

No one really knows what he's doing. But I don't think he's going to be touring anytime soon if at all. I think now he has a family he just wants to record albums at home and do the producing thing for other bands. Which is fair enough really. Sounds like fun to me! your lucky! I've never seen him live :(
#171646 by Biert
Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:42 am
FUBAR wrote:Hey man, welcome.

No one really knows what he's doing. But I don't think he's going to be touring anytime soon if at all. I think now he has a family he just wants to record albums at home and do the producing thing for other bands. Which is fair enough really. Sounds like fun to me! your lucky! I've never seen him live :(

Agree with all that, and I'd like to add a little thing on the home-town one-off gigs.

It would be really cool if he'd just play a show in Vancouver every once in a while, but I doubt he will. He can't do it on his own, he'll need a band of course. And for what I know, the rest of the DTB and SYL are all pretty busy fellas themselves at the moment. They're all working on one or more albums or tours of their own (Terror Syndrome, Tennet, Fear Factory, Ten Ways From Sunday, Zimmer's Hole, Dethklok, and probably loads more). So I doubt it'll happen :(

Besides, Devin moved away from the city so I'm not sure how 'local' Vancouver (or any city worth mentioning) is at the moment.
#171651 by Deathcom7000
Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:28 pm
its hard to know if he'll tour again. Never say never, but dont set your heart on it either. If he gets the itch to play live, then maybe he will. Right now he's just chilling, making music, and producing bands which is good enough for me. I think the only greedy thing I could ask for would be more updates :D That being said though, if Devin did play live again, I would fly to Canada as fast as I could.
#171736 by mineralinsulated
Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:34 am
Rush and Dev your fav stuff hey bro!? Me too, and being a melb fella myself as well, i know the frustration you feel for their lack of visit to these shores! I saw SYL last year in Paris, it was awesome, still ive never seen Geddy and the lads and unless i take off OS again fear i never will.
Which Mag u write for, i always read the Metal bits in inpress and beat.
#171739 by Atari
Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:58 am
Nathan_lol wrote:I would remove one of my testicles to see Devin live.

I'll hold you to that.
#171747 by The Oid
Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:36 am
Devin is definitely worth seeing live if he ever tours again. Definitely among the best gigs I've been to, if not the best.

Strapping Young Lad was funnier though, because he took the piss out of the crowd.
#171770 by Roddy
Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:35 pm
The best time was when he played an SYL set for over an hour, then went off for a break, came back on and did a 'solo' set! That was dream come true! Not sure if I'd cut a bollock out, but I'd definitely spend upwards of $3000 and fly for 25 hours to see him again....

And Mineralinsulated, you HAVE to go o/s to see Rush, it's an absolute MUST. Do whatever it takes. I write for 'Buzz' mag, which is a pretty pissy little publication, but I enjoy writing my Metal stuff. I get shitloads of free CDs and I get to interview some amazing musos!
#172298 by Marijn
Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:19 am
I have never been to a concert of Devin. But if he is willing to give some concerts in the future again, I'LL FUCKING BE THERE! I already know that a concert of Devin Townsend would be the greatest concert I would ever go to in my entire life! Devin Towsend playing live again would be a dream coming true...
#172548 by Mazaro
Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:36 am
I saw SYL on the Alien tour, and it was truly AMAZING. I'd like to see him in some other context.
#172561 by Roddy
Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:48 pm
Mazaro wrote:I saw SYL on the Alien tour, and it was truly AMAZING. I'd like to see him in some other context.

Yeah, I feel the world is being deprived of great pleasure if he has indeed retired entirely from the live scene...

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