The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#170826 by Lawrence
Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:03 am
I think this should become the new make a new album page because it isnt as rude or demanding as the previous one.
Are you thinking of making a release date or at least a vague idea of when this latest album will be released?
#170875 by NFF
Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:34 pm

its crap yes i know. took like 5 min to make. i never was good at photo editing.
#170892 by Lawrence
Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:17 am
NFF wrote:Image

its crap yes i know. took like 5 min to make. i never was good at photo editing.

HAHAHAHA thats a classic lol i love that pic of the dev, so evul looking, he would scare that cat to death anyway haha
#171259 by damnuandurdog
Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:48 am
I'm curious about the rig for the next release.

So far I've heard an EJ sig strat (not sure on the pickups but I believe Eric Johnson uses Dimarzio HS-2's still), maxon delay and a Fender Amp. Not sure what amp Dev mentioned using - I just know he mentioned how 'heavy' a loud clean tone can sound. I'm very interested in how much the GP-100 is coming into play too as he mentioned using a TC Electronics g-force on the Ziltoid Special disc.

I didn't read the entire last thread but apparently we're 'owed' a new album or something :lol: .

So, uh, take your time and don't record in Spain.

I think the only person I'm getting impatient with is Ian Thornley - maybe he'll release something by the next decade :lol:

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