The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#167538 by RamEEz
Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:29 am
Hi there
I hope everyone is doing good well you cant feel bored or bad when you have musicians like Devin Townsend in the world :)

I am from Pakistan and listening to Devin Townsend for a very long time now. These days i am listening to the amazing vocal work of Devin Townsend on Steve Vai's album "Sex & Religion". I just cant stop listening to the amazing masterpieces by Devin.

"Life" is my all time favourite track of Devin Townsend. I have heard this track more than anyone else and yes i am serious :)
I hope Devin keeps on making music forever.

Please can anyone upload or give me links to Devin Townsend's Live performances? I have seen the Youtube ones but i want em in good quality.
thanks in advance

Peace :)
#167545 by Biert
Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:06 am
I think your best chance is go try to get the Synchestra special edition. It has the Synchestra album as well as a DVD with a live-in-the-studio performance of a bunch of songs. HDR also has a DVD with the "Official Bootleg" performance. I think those are the only proper recordings of Dev's solo material.

For Strapping Young Lad, there's also the For Those Aboot To Rock DVD, and the new Chaos Years best-of album has an extra disk with a live show.

It probably won't be easy to get those in Pakistan. You might want to try poking Tracy with a long email, I'm sure she'll gladly help you out. More info at
#168008 by powercozmic
Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:15 pm
I'm from India and my intro to devin's music was Vai's "sex and religion" as well. Simply cos Vai's music is available in almost all music stores here in India while Devin's isn't :( I managed to get all his albums while I was working in the UK though. And I will carry all my Devin townsend music CDs with me to the grave.... I'm serious.

It's quite a task to make devin popular in the east(outside Japan) but a Ravi Shankar-Devin guitar/sitar collab should do it :lol:

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