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Songs that relatively suck

Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:57 am
by Liampie
I think this topic didn't exist already, so I guess this is ok?
I know Devin Townsend for only a few months, and I don't have all of his songs yet, but I'm a big fan already. It never happened before that I like about 85% of the artists music! Well, this topic is about the other 15%.
Instead of the topics about the better songs, this is one about the worse ones.
Songs I really don't like:
-Material (this one and everything above is too loud, but maybe I have to hear them more often)
- 3 AM (boring)
Songs that aren't bad, but not good either:
-Color Your World (the first part sucks, the second part is better)
-Sister (boring)
-Omnisdimensional Creator
Which songs do you dislike and why?

Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:50 am
by Biert
Seems like you need to 'get into' Physicist a bit more. It is a pretty neat album, although vastly different from other Dev records. Almost SYL-heavy but not at all angry or violent.
Color Your World is simply
Seriously, it's an epic masterpiece.
buy the Ziltoid album you pirate, the song is called Omnidimensional Creator (no S!)
As for songs I don't like... Olive? doesn't do anything for me. Same for Forgotten (bonus track on Physicist, basically an acoustic demo for Bad Devil).
Hmm this is difficult. I listen to music as
albums, not so much as
songs so it's really hard to pick songs I don't like.

Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:04 am
by Liampie
Biert wrote:Seems like you need to 'get into' Physicist a bit more. It is a pretty neat album, although vastly different from other Dev records. Almost SYL-heavy but not at all angry or violent.
The problem is I don't like heavy, but maybe that's because I'm not used to it and it will drive my family crazy.
the song is called Omnidimensional Creator (no S!)
At first I wrote it without the S, but my iTunes said it was with an S.
As for songs I don't like... Olive? doesn't do anything for me.
Agree, I forgot about that one. Olives btw, Olive

Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:13 am
by Biert

Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:19 am
by NoisyPinkBubble
Only Dev songs that could get on my nerves are a few that are on the Ass-Sordid albums. Everything else is top notch.

Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:23 am
by Luna_ad_Noctum
The only song that comes to mind is 'Sunset.'

Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:02 am
by Liquid
Namaste, Universal, Material, and Color Your World are all in my top ten Devin songs. Hm.
The only songs of his I am having trouble enjoying are some of his more angry SYL stuff. I just can't relate, and I can't just sit back and enjoy it either. I'm afraid it's just not for me.

Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:07 am
by hog
I think that heavy music is an aquired taste especially if you're not used to it. However, some people just never like heavy music. It's a personal thing.
Bad Devin songs...mmmm, the only one I can think of really is Things beyond things from Ocean Machine. To be fair it is a bonus track.

Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:15 am
by BlackFabio, Inc.
There's no such thing as "bad Devin songs"

Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:29 am
by Deth Warmdover
Picture of Myself
Info Dump
Road Kill

Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:35 am
by BlueRaja
Biert wrote:Hmm this is difficult. I listen to music as albums, not so much as songs so it's really hard to pick songs I don't like.
Same. I look at some songs more as intros or preludes to others, i.g. Olives for Mountain, Let It Roll
and Hypergeek for Triumph, etc. I tend to look at an album as an entire work of art. Devin certainly deserves that.

Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:41 am
by Ike
same here, too. plus, i don't think any of his works reall SUCK. but i can't connect to most of the accelerated evolution songs. storm, for example. too much screaming and intense emotions for my taste.
on the other hand, i LOVE namaste and most of physicist
that's where opinions differ. well, i had a hard time getting into "death". that's a brutally unfriendly piece of music.

Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:31 pm
by Biert
Add most of TNB to the list

Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:40 pm
Hmm...not too keen on the Grey Skies stuff...

Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:07 pm
by kirknewm
I don't really like the EKO stuff too much. Granted, I haven't listened to it a whole lot, but when I heard it for the first time, I ended up skipping through the tracks and generally not being too excited about it. And I'm not a huge fan of Deadhead. I don't think it sucks by any means, it's just a little too dramatic for me.