The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#162294 by FUBAR
Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:30 am
Alot of people hate xmas songs but theres been some great ones, Roy Wood, Slade etc, it'd be nice to add Dev to that list. I can imagine him doing a reallly great job.

ok I'm a little bored :lol:
Last edited by FUBAR on Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

#162295 by sj_2150
Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:59 am
#162298 by Keeker
Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:30 am
FUBAR wrote:Alot of people hate xmas songs but theres been some great ones, Roy Wizard, Slade etc, it'd be nice to add Dev to that list. I can imagine him doing a reallly great job.

ok I'm a little bored :lol:

<nit picking mode on> You mean Roy Wood of Wizzard. (I can just remember seeing that on Top of the Pops... I thought he was really scary looking. Ok, so I was pretty young.)

#162309 by Biert
Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:41 am
I hope Dev doesn't lower himself to the level of Christmas songs. Let's have that huuge big epic album instead!

#162318 by Mr Clean
Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:24 am
huuuge big epic christmas song! yeah!

the thing is... i can't wait... :(

#162326 by Tyroshai
Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:25 am
I can almost hear it "Walking in Satan's Wonderland".

...Like a re-working of "...Ice Cream Truck". Only with chimes, or an intellectual take on the commercialized greed and over-zealous commodity that is modern Christmas.

#162353 by Deathcom7000
Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:16 pm
Ziltoid vs. Santa, the epic rock opera.

haha, in all seriousness, I cant see Dev feeling a christmas song.

#162356 by Persuader
Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:41 am
Maybe he could tip Ziltoid...

#162374 by Spaceman Spiff
Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:19 am
I hate Christmas music. People talk about how it gives them warm and fuzzy feelings and reminds them of the holidays - all I can think of is crowded shopping malls, rude shoppers, church, and the fact that it's crammed down my ear canals every time I go out somewhere from Hallowe'en to New Year's.

Thank the gods for my Walkman.

#162375 by Keeker
Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:24 am
Spaceman Spiff wrote:I hate Christmas music. People talk about how it gives them warm and fuzzy feelings and reminds them of the holidays - all I can think of is crowded shopping malls, rude shoppers, church, and the fact that it's crammed down my ear canals every time I go out somewhere from Hallowe'en to New Year's.

Thank the gods for my Walkman.

The Humbug is strong in this one Luke! :)

#162383 by Deth Warmdover
Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:06 pm
I like Physicist as a Christmas album

#162417 by Persuader
Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:38 am
How about a huge, epic 15 seconds anti christmas song then? :)

#162419 by Biert
Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:04 am
Hell yeah!

#162421 by The Dev
Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:13 am ya go...

Hail Christ, damn what a day!
Buy lots of shit and ye shall soon pay
Wal mart, superstore fucking best buy
Hail mighty Christ! ...christ, what a guy!

Eat lots of roasted, basted dead foul
Unleash a midnight explosion of bowel
Truck on down to ye olde yule tyme tree
Drink so much beer that youre swimming in pee

All is lost, nothing is learned
Humans are stupid and morality burns
Live in ye mind, yea thats where it's at
The only entity wise is a Black frikkin' cat

I wish I could trust humans to be true
The only predictable is my corn-y poo
Constantly dissapointed (and marketed as that...)
Wasting all year on that new gucci hat

So believe what you will, have faith or reject it...
but everything in life is ABSOLUTELY connected
Hail to your satan, or Hails to your god...
Catch me a Salmon and hump me a Cod

Yeeeeeeeeaaaaa CANUCKS!!!!

Happy X christ yule mass!

#162422 by Keeker
Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:18 am
Excellent! Got a jingly tune to go with it? :D

(I still think a cover of the Goodies' "Father Christmas Do Not Touch Me!" is in order.)

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