The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#156122 by neillyb
Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:07 am
Just got this done this afternoon. Super happy with the way it turned out :D


Opinions? I'm going to get the SYL logo on my other wrist when I gather up the cash.

Done at Terry's Tattoo Studio, Glasgow.

#156125 by shiram
Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:51 am
not bad! and welcome here!

#156126 by FUBAR
Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:59 am
That looks really cool.

#156134 by Biert
Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:18 am
I still don't get this form of self-mutilation, but congrats, I guess...

#156135 by neillyb
Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:23 am
I think 'mutilation' is a bit dramatic a term for it :)

It's my first ever tattoo and I can definitely say not my last! I wanted the dtb logo because they fucking rock and it looks cool.

But hey, each to to their own and all that; everyone is different!

#156147 by TallNerdGuy
Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:49 pm
Looks pretty tasty!

#156164 by Mr. Jack
Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:14 pm
The SYL/dTb logo on each wrist was exactly what I want to do haha.

Sort of like opposites, one on each wrist.

I keep getting scared that I'm going to stop liking Devy, but then I come to my senses and realize how impossible it is.

#156173 by sarai-chan
Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:55 am
Nooo, I was thinking this same thing too! :D
Well, I guess that just unites our over-the-globe forces
and brings our tribe closer together

But I am still getting mine too! :D

And if I someday stop liking (how strange does that sound :D), it will mark me a memory of a great band and
a great musician who changed my life and showed me many
ways to feel about music.

I'm having my older dog's paw tattooed as well, and the reason
is the same as with dtb; i just love them :D

(Though my dtb tattoo is going to have blueish jingle in it and maybe some background as well. Already designed it!)

SYL played here in 2006 and one guy got to meet Dev after the show.
Of course, Dev had to sign something, and he signed d00d's arm!
Now he has it tattooed in.
That was pretty cool!

My Stagnant-post!
No more wondering if no one's here!

#156237 by Eyesore
Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:23 pm
Band tats are cool...but only if you're not going to hate it in the years to come.

#156476 by Fretburn
Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:08 pm
Eyesore's got a very valid point. But sarai-chan makes a good one too. I have a tattoo of Steve Vai's Ibanex Jem. I got it because of how he made me feel about music. Even if I stop liking his music, or indeed someday hate it, or the man, I will forever be cognizant of how it made me feel and think about music.
I've been thinking of getting a DTB tat for some time. For that exact reason.

Oh, and back to the real topic at hand...neillyb..NICE tat. Very well done too.

#156478 by JayjayAbnormal
Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:28 pm
Mr. Jack wrote:The SYL/dTb logo on each wrist was exactly what I want to do haha.

Sort of like opposites, one on each wrist.

I keep getting scared that I'm going to stop liking Devy, but then I come to my senses and realize how impossible it is.

That shouldn't even matter. If you liked that band or any band for a long period in your life, you should go for it anyways. Then 10 years later you'll look at it remember those times in your life.

Unless it was a very boring period of your life :P You could always turn the tattoo into something else somehow. Its been 2 years and I'm not sick of SYL/DTB at all.

Edit: Worth mentioning my friends Mom has a Soulfly tattoo when shes never heard them, but got it cause it reminds her of her son

#156782 by Eyesore
Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:20 pm
Why get DTB tats? I mean, it's Devin you're honoring, no? Why not get that crazy caricature of Devin Rohan drew? Haha.

#157407 by Mr Clean
Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:57 pm
I wanted to get that DTB tattoo on my wrist too!!
Dev's music has become one of the most important influences in my life and I wanted to celebrate it with a place in my body (it already has a place in my heart xD)...

I've got two Metallica's Ninja Stars on my arms... I love the band's music and I don't care if they start playing techno instead of metal... they are part of my life already! so... I'm proud of my tattoos!

Dev is next! :P

#157595 by Shub
Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:58 am
Mr. Jack wrote:The SYL/dTb logo on each wrist was exactly what I want to do haha.

It's what I got :P The contrast is nice.

And I got runes of power above the SYL one from a book I read and I'm getting Norse runes to signify my orkney heritage above the DTB one (when I can find a translation... grrr)

They are gonna say 'infinity is within your grasp, reach out with your soul and take it'

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