So, we all love Devin right? I just listened steve vai`s record sex and religions and track 3.. again and again i`m impressed.. god knows or my dentist... heyhou
.. Also the pûnky brûster`s 3. song is fucking great..
There is too many good songs.. Fluke.. and many others.. these songs given me lot.. and this point of evening my english skills drop trough the circle
Thank you Devin and other members of the Strapping Young Lad for coming to finland
very good or (even climax) of the tour
in my toughts maybe.. but damn good show anyway.. and i mean Really good
all respects for you people and for the new generetion of harmony and chaos

There is too many good songs.. Fluke.. and many others.. these songs given me lot.. and this point of evening my english skills drop trough the circle

Thank you Devin and other members of the Strapping Young Lad for coming to finland

all respects for you people and for the new generetion of harmony and chaos