The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#129045 by tentotheminus9
Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:16 am
......In the best possible way!

99% of the time that I decide to listen to music, I chose something by Devin. Whether it's going mental to 'Relentless', rocking out to 'Depth Charge', chilling out to 'Deep Peace' or going insane with some Devlab, there is literally a song (or several songs) to match any mood. I just don't need any other bands! This isn't me being narrow minded or anything like that, I love music and have thousands of CDs, but this is just the way it always happens!!!! Anyone else had this happen!?

p.s. i've not posted for aggggesssss. Would like to say hi to everyone - HI !!!!!!!!!

#129048 by shiram
Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:06 am
well that happens to me when i get into a new band, and seeing as how devy's got 2 (tdb, syl) i've pretty stuck on them for 8-10 months
oh i listen to other stuff, just to a much lesser degree
#129050 by Biert
Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:48 am
tentotheminus9 wrote:......In the best possible way!

99% of the time that I decide to listen to music, I chose something by Devin. Whether it's going mental to 'Relentless', rocking out to 'Depth Charge', chilling out to 'Deep Peace' or going insane with some Devlab, there is literally a song (or several songs) to match any mood. I just don't need any other bands! This isn't me being narrow minded or anything like that, I love music and have thousands of CDs, but this is just the way it always happens!!!! Anyone else had this happen!?

p.s. i've not posted for aggggesssss. Would like to say hi to everyone - HI !!!!!!!!!


And even tho Devin is one of my favourite artists (fighting with Opeth for the first place), I do listen to other music. I like to keep things a bit varied, even Devin Townsend can get boring if you listen to it very often, and to nothing else. The man has 'only' 12 albums (SYL and Devlab included)!

#129061 by Lolliklauer
Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:32 pm
For me it´s not 99%, but at least 75% of my music-listening time i chose Devin-music, i think. It never gets boring and everything of it is better than almost every other stuff i have. For example i quite like "Dookie" by Green Day, but if i´m in the mood for that type of music, i prefer listening to Punky Bruster. Or i like Meshuggah, but if i want to listen to drumming-insanity i prefer Gene´s stuff. Or i like McCartney, but if i want to listen to a smooth voice, i chose "Let it roll" or "Polyphony" and so on. A few days ago i listened to Infinity (for the 325435638907. time), and it drove me to tears (dynamics...). It happens not every time, but it still happens sometimes...

Most other bands i´m listening to are in some way related to Devin, like Meshuggah, Soilwork, Vai, Rush, Death, Mad Capsule Markets, Cop Shoot Cop, Ayreon, Non Human Level and so on. Only a few are not (Beatles, Megadeth, Monster Magnet, Psychotic Waltz, Porcupine Tree, Massive Attack, System of a down...)

Edit: I have 19 albums + 1 ep with Devin doing something on it, and there are still a few left (i still don´t have Stuck Mojo, IR8, Frontline Assembly, Zimmer´s Hole and the Rush-cover on CD yet).
Last edited by Lolliklauer on Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#129062 by day old male
Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:35 pm
I have to agree. Devin seems to cater to virtually every one of my musical needs at any given time. I've been experiencing this phenomena for about 8 years now with Dev. Most other stuff either pales in comparison, or Dev's done it better, so why listen to that other thing? It's kind of annoying actually, he's kind of killed other bands and their music, so yeah I have to agree with you, it's had the same effect on me too. Please note, I'm talking in extremist terms here - I do listen to other stuff all the time, and am into a variety of different bands, it's just that more often than not, I choose HevyDevy :)

#129069 by Yanko
Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:25 pm
i'm actually worried cause more than half of my mp3 player has devin's voice on it.

#129089 by MindRevolution
Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:57 am
I have the same "problem" so to speak. I always just listen to Devin in some shape or form, because most other music is just inferior.

#129092 by Falk
Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:14 am
Same here. On LastFM, 8222 of 19228 songs I've listened are by DT/DTB/SYL, Zimmer's Hole or Punky Bruster. Well a few months earlier it would've been way much higher, as after learning what music really is with Dev's music I try to discover some other bands but few are those that are up to Dev's music and related. Mr. Bungle, a bit late though, Pink Floyd, not bad :wink: , Shena Ringo, japanese pop/rock singer that I connect with Dev' for her heavily layered production and awesome compositions, edit : oh yeah, and she rolls the "r" :D (I usually don't like, rather hate, actual pop/rock).
The list isn't that long, as often what was supposed to be awesome and all doesn't seem so compared to what I'm now used to.

#129121 by darknetghost
Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:20 pm
Devy is extremely unique in that just about every album he has released for a decade now is fantastic. There are plenty of other fantastic albums out there, but few artists are so consistantly good.

#129141 by :)
Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:59 am
60% Devin Townsend
20% Mike Patton
20% Everything else

#129150 by Deathcom7000
Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:13 am
The longest I ever went without listening to Dev was 2 days, and thats only because I had just bought OK Computer by Radiohead :?

#129162 by HiPoCrAcY
Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:11 pm
I love Devin, but you guys are hardcore! hahaha. But then again I get just as excited about putting a Devy cd on whether its the 1st time or the 1000th time.

#129207 by the_scoon
Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:14 pm
I get episodes of that, I go through a whole month listening to nothing but Dev, and then I go out and listen to other music, usually try out new bands. The only thing Devin doesn't cater for is my need for jazz music... *hint* :P

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