I Love Devy just like the rest of y'all,...however, I got a BIG gripe that I have to explain here;
Devy music is HUGE,..it's downright "epic". He's got this way of sucking you inside his music with those lush, thick, layered, diminished chord progressions. I don't know how he does it but I hear a song like "Earth Day",...and somehow I always get sucked into this musical, spiritual, "black hole"....It's like,...it's so hard for me to drive when I hear that song. There is a strange force that compels me to close my eyes and meditate. It totally envelops and surrounds me in some weird,....what I can only describe as,... intense "musical extacy".....or something like that??
So I'm experiencing the moment,...hearing and "feeling" my way through those dense textures and trasitions...from one intense emotion to the next,...Devin weaves and works my way heading straight for a musical orgasm and SUDDENLY HE DOES IT!
Seconds before my peak climax,...Devy abruptly busts out with. "....well it's just entertainment folks..."
What? Huh?...what is this deviation? Is this "comedy" smack dab in the middle of such an intense and overwelming moment?
Devy,...do you know what that does to me? It's like I'm making mad passionate love to my wife and right before the climax,...you jump into the room with a big grin and throw a pale of ice water on me and say afterwards..."OK,..as you were, Cliff"
Oh man,..you did it to me again,...even worse,..in "Triumph"...I'm freakin out, going nuts over this song, I'm feeling it soooo hard and I'm being sucked in deep into those magical chord progressions...it's so intensely serious and suddenly BAM!...I'm rudely woken up form my dreaming by a few bars of "hillbilly honky tonk jam"....and then the "real music" returns as fast at it left....once again not allowing me to achieve another true (uninterrupted) Devy euphonic orgasm.
[Sigh) I know Devy that you must be laughing at me right now. You are seeing the fruits of your piratical jokes and sarcastic pranks,...and I'm the one that is left to suffer. (Am I the only one?)
Well,...at least I have "Death Of Music" from BioMech. Fortunately for me, you do not break into circus music in the middle of "...Don't die on me, don't go away...."
Yes Devy,...that song HAS almost caused me to crash my truck and drive off the road...I must close my eyes when I hear it. It's ability to surround me and induce meditation inside of me is that strong. Sometimes I gotta pull over the side of the road to listen to it....it's safer that way.
You are wrong Devy,..your music is NOT "just" entertainment...It's far far FAR more than that.
When you spend late nights pouring your soal into that flashing hard drive,...some of us out here are listening really really carefully and connecting to it it ways you might not expect.
You are amazing dude.
You are 'touching" people in this world that you do not know and probably never will....how weird must that feel?
I have always found you to be a very rare and wonderfull artist
This "stranger" thanks you for being who you are. (and Tracy too!!!!!!)
CT : - )
Devy music is HUGE,..it's downright "epic". He's got this way of sucking you inside his music with those lush, thick, layered, diminished chord progressions. I don't know how he does it but I hear a song like "Earth Day",...and somehow I always get sucked into this musical, spiritual, "black hole"....It's like,...it's so hard for me to drive when I hear that song. There is a strange force that compels me to close my eyes and meditate. It totally envelops and surrounds me in some weird,....what I can only describe as,... intense "musical extacy".....or something like that??
So I'm experiencing the moment,...hearing and "feeling" my way through those dense textures and trasitions...from one intense emotion to the next,...Devin weaves and works my way heading straight for a musical orgasm and SUDDENLY HE DOES IT!
Seconds before my peak climax,...Devy abruptly busts out with. "....well it's just entertainment folks..."
What? Huh?...what is this deviation? Is this "comedy" smack dab in the middle of such an intense and overwelming moment?
Devy,...do you know what that does to me? It's like I'm making mad passionate love to my wife and right before the climax,...you jump into the room with a big grin and throw a pale of ice water on me and say afterwards..."OK,..as you were, Cliff"
Oh man,..you did it to me again,...even worse,..in "Triumph"...I'm freakin out, going nuts over this song, I'm feeling it soooo hard and I'm being sucked in deep into those magical chord progressions...it's so intensely serious and suddenly BAM!...I'm rudely woken up form my dreaming by a few bars of "hillbilly honky tonk jam"....and then the "real music" returns as fast at it left....once again not allowing me to achieve another true (uninterrupted) Devy euphonic orgasm.
[Sigh) I know Devy that you must be laughing at me right now. You are seeing the fruits of your piratical jokes and sarcastic pranks,...and I'm the one that is left to suffer. (Am I the only one?)
Well,...at least I have "Death Of Music" from BioMech. Fortunately for me, you do not break into circus music in the middle of "...Don't die on me, don't go away...."
Yes Devy,...that song HAS almost caused me to crash my truck and drive off the road...I must close my eyes when I hear it. It's ability to surround me and induce meditation inside of me is that strong. Sometimes I gotta pull over the side of the road to listen to it....it's safer that way.
You are wrong Devy,..your music is NOT "just" entertainment...It's far far FAR more than that.
When you spend late nights pouring your soal into that flashing hard drive,...some of us out here are listening really really carefully and connecting to it it ways you might not expect.
You are amazing dude.
You are 'touching" people in this world that you do not know and probably never will....how weird must that feel?
I have always found you to be a very rare and wonderfull artist
This "stranger" thanks you for being who you are. (and Tracy too!!!!!!)
CT : - )