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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:36 pm
by fragility
If you could pick a gon from any DT album to have a video made for, what would it be...and what would the video be like?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:43 pm
by alucard0848
well i have a couple.

earth day- the video wouldnt feature anyone it would be animated like if remeber pearljams evolution something to that effect showing like the decline of the world from grace but more towards nature.

vampolka- come on it would be light hearted and fun seeing the guys from dtb in liderhosen and clogs playing. and all they have to use to shoot isa reg digi cam set to black and white.

gaia- again the band doesnt need to be featured in it to me the video would be grt as an extreme sport kind of vid. or a skate board and surfing vid where some grt rides and some grt crashes and wipeouts that make u cringe.

truimph- this i see the band playing in the desert shot in a glossy black and white during the day time in a desert like surrounding with rocky cliffs in the backround and such. and for the vai solo he would be doing the solo on the edge of one of the cliffs . but then shoot the band playing in lush garden enviroment and then blending it with the desert to make look like an oasis growing underneaththe band. the desert transforming into a oasis.

hide nowhere- just people running threw a forest in fear of something at night and knocked off one by one.

7th wave- no band in vid just omse beautiful ocean scenery maybe osme surfing fotage in slow motion and some nice nature underwater footage as well.

traveller- simple home footage stuff of the band from diff time periods on the road having fun

sunshine and happiness- would be no band performing but its more of a slide show thingwhere its alot of still shots beinging shown but its a nice one. devin and tracey finally going on a nice vaction to nice place and taking a bunch of fun and neat photos. at the end of the vid would be a little comedy. shows the syl and dtb guys trying to do smiley faces for fans who bought stuff and each going to each other that there smiley face better or urs sux kind of thing like a bunch of kids throwing pens and stuff.
more of what we ddi on vacation kinda thing i guess.

still thinking of things need to sleep some more.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:35 am
by Falk
Héhé Alucard>>> No surfing footage for me please^^ Surf is punk rock ! punk rock ! PUNK ROOOOOOCK !

Night : Some Japan footage (I've already copied/pasted this site countless times : ), by night or not, not sure. Maybe some 'subjective shots', I mean driving in a car (like that ... utoko.html ). Though it can be pretty cheesy if not well directed (in car shots and band shots alternance can break the the rythm, or make it cheesy with boring fade in/out). Maybe mixed with a live performance in Japan, in a great location. Maybe not on top of a building like Limp Bizkit but some famous place anyway, I mean something recognisable, like right in the middle of Shibuya or something. And with the crowd or not, not sure.

Voices In The fans brings many pictures in my mind but then to make a clip of it, wow, that'd be hard, it's really a song to listen to more than to watch.
Or make something you don't expect, paint the guys in full white, as if they were gods, and make something fun but cool anyway...

Bastard as an weird steampunk/cyberpunk anime maybe, though I have no scenario^^, maybe just pure blue/grey eyecandy ;)

Bad Devil I think could make a good movie. Maybe CG with a feel of puppet, clay, fabric puppet, tim-burton-style, a whole cabaret part in a hounted house, with a weird feel of rocky horror picture show.
Ants I guess could work, but I'm not sure how.

Processionnal : As for Bastard, another 12 minutes long anime, with a cool 'naïve' story, pure eye-candy, this time with lot of colors, flowers, green fields, sun, little birds, gliding shots... ;) Two beings gliding & dancing together...

More later maybe XD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:17 am
by Das Schuetzenfest
Seventh Wave - something reminescent of the (under)water scenes of James Cameron's "Abyss" movie. When I heared Biomech for the first time, this movie came immediately into my mind...


Canada - landscape footage of Canada, especially aerial video footage


PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:51 am
by gozu
bad devil... i always imagine devy ontop of a train dressed in a tatty dinner suit leaping and whirling around, then the band in the buffet car of this train (very oriental express like) all dressed like a swing band, upright bass old piano the like, and then during the 'train won't stop' gang vocals the passengers all singing too with looks of fear/bemusment.

with the shots going between dev the band the passengers and the train driver (a cameo from byron, made up to look dead but not rotting in a classic train drivers uniform) ..... as the video goes on the train speeds up and the tracks get more and more rollercoaster like and the landscape around the train gets very hellish.... with dev getting to look more and more devil like (horns growing, reddening skin) and then at the last crash! the train hurtles down the gullet of a mssive.. thing.... then the camera pans out its dev. out futher and hes on a street somewhere a nice day. he smiles and walks away....

that was my thoughts anyway.. anyone who didn't understand what i was going on about (prob all) i have no way of explaining better....

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:00 am
by Das Schuetzenfest
^ Sounds a bit like a mixture of Indiana Jones II and Queen's "Breakthrough" video, only much cooler of course.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:03 am
by gozu
yeah no bloody short-round though

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:51 am
by Ike
namaste - the largest spaceships you can imagine, all made of chrome and diamonds, most cheesy hubble-space-fotos as a background and more laser, strobelight, steam and fog than you've ev0r seen. also, the camera would have to shake and rumble all over the place and the band should be performing on top of the biggest ship with no helmets on but golden shining auras around them and bright shining eyes, like in the zen video. they should be wearing golden oder platinum-colored spacesuits like from really old sci-fi-movies.
some supernovae could also fit in, and, of , course, robots.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:54 am
by Ike
addition: over the time of the video, they should be slowly approaching earth, and maybe in the last bar hit the ground in vancouver or elsewhere.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:02 am
by shiram
Ike wrote:addition: over the time of the video, they should be slowly approaching earth, and maybe in the last bar hit the ground in vancouver or elsewhere.

that sounds like a 'the darkness' video

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:03 am
by Reaper-Man-666
shiram wrote:
Ike wrote:addition: over the time of the video, they should be slowly approaching earth, and maybe in the last bar hit the ground in vancouver or elsewhere.

that sounds like a 'the darkness' video


PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:07 am
by :)
Deep Peace, although Stagnant seems a more suitable length for a video.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:43 am
by Biert
I like the flash video for Ants that someone posted here a while ago. Fits the song perfectly.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:11 pm
by funny_little_guy
Biert wrote:I like the flash video for Ants that someone posted here a while ago. Fits the song perfectly.
What now?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:19 am
by Biert
Hmm how about a video for 'Rape Song'? :P

Although no video can possibly be any better than Vampira.