The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#114695 by jimmie
Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:52 am
AE was the first FULL dev album i'd ever heard.

I had downloaded Mountain, Planet Rain, Hide Nowhere, Tiny Tears, Earth Day. This would have been around 2002. I listened to them sometimes, but was never REALLY into it.

Then once AE was released, I downloaded Slow Me Down, Suicide and Sunday Afternoon. I was hooked. I bought the album the next week. (Maybe this is why AE is my favorite album still? It holds a special place for me?)

After loving AE so much, i decided to go back and listen to the other songs I had for ever.. and I LOVED them. Within the next couple months, I purcahsed Terria, Ocean Machine, Psychist and Infinity (in that order) and now that it's out, Synchestra.

See... downloading music isn't all THAT bad. I've found out about almost every band i listen to know from downloading off P2P. But I actually do buy the albums when I like something, and i delete stuff i don't.

#114715 by LightningCount
Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:31 pm
My friend had downloaded a bunch of Devin and burnt a cd. We were going somewhere, we got in his car, he put the cd in the dash and said "this is going to expand your mind." and Earth Day comes on. Perfect! I recognized Devin's voice from the little SYL I'd heard. I instantly loved the brutish stupidity and simultaneous spark of genius in the lyrics and riffs. It fit my sense of absurd humour perfectly and was a great change from listening to really technical guitar oriented music where complex riffs were zenith - here, stupid riffs tricked you into liking them, and sat next to genius riffs that let you know there was no lack of inspiration.

I later downloaded Christeen, Kingdom, Regulator, Stagnant and loved them all. When I heard Death of Music, I was in awe! It was a perfect, relaxed summer night spent listening to music.

I bought synchestra and loved it, saw DTB live a week ago, and loved it. I while ago I read his bio on the main site and I've heard a bunch of interviews from the guy and my admiration has grown. I was the dungeon-master too, haha!

#114716 by jimmie
Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:33 pm
hey, you're from London
I was at the show in London as well.
we got to meet him, ryan and mike after!

#114717 by LightningCount
Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:36 pm
Good times eh? If you go to UWO or are of that general age, join our Metal Club! We go see events together - took a limo to finntroll! - and party \m/, and we've got discounts at a few places in town. PM me if you want.

#114738 by EternalMetal
Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:16 pm
Bought AE very soon after the release date on impulse. I had heard good things about Devin's side project, and because I enjoyed SYL, I decided to buy it. At first I didnt like it, but after a few spins I started to love it.

I was hooked and downloaded the rest of the cds. I eventually finished buying the collection and have remained a huge fan of Devin's music ever since. His music has had a big impact on my life and helped me through some times in my life. Even when I grow away from liking his music (you almost always grow away from bands you like and form new music tastes), I will still respect his music and always be a fan, be it because I like his music or because I respect the way his music has had an impact on me. I LOVE his music now, and hope that I always do, but who knows if I can stand to listen to his music in 20 years? I know the music that I used to like 5 years ago is drastically different than what I enjoy now. And the fact that the songs I used to listen to evoke too many memories for me to even consider listening to.

#114744 by into the voigtex
Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:32 pm
First taste of the DTB?

Like dipping your car keys into a bowl of sugar...

...metallic with a hint of sweetness.


#114748 by asparagusDuck
Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:17 pm
I think maybe i was 16 or 17ish, and had been working my first real job as a grocery store cashier. after a few paychecks i decided to buy myself a couple cds. I got Opeth - My arms yours hearse, Rush - moving pictures, and TERRIA. I knew absolutely nothing about devin townsend except a lot of people on the boards seemed to like him, so i figured why not? im in the mood for something new.
i was at my friends house and we were all just chillen so i decided to pop terria in just to see what it was like. I was captivated from the very beginning and ended up being very anti-social that night. heh. i couldn't get past earth day, i loved the first 3 songs so much i just kept going back to the beginning. i also remember looking at the lyric book and being like woah...that stuff is cool!
very good experience, ill never forget it.

#114768 by Persuader
Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:48 am
So are we talking DTB or Devy solo??

I downloaded the Storm clip off the site and loved it to death immediately. The vocals and lyrics fit like a glove, it's my favourite AE song.

#114773 by Atari
Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:34 am
Persuader wrote:
I downloaded the Storm clip off the site and loved it to death immediately. The vocals and lyrics fit like a glove, it's my favourite AE song.

more or less exactly the same.

#114777 by Zombielord1985
Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:51 am
im a big fan of SYL so i downloaded storm and fucking loved it. then bought synchestra. alittle late on DTB but its a good time to get into them thats for sure.

#114778 by Biert
Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:58 am
I had downloaded his entire disco, without knowing him. Then when my mediaplayer was on shuffle, Ants came along and it was some weird shit. So I checked out more and loved every single bit.
Then when a local record store went broke and they sold the remaining stock with insane discounts, I noticed they had Terria and Infinity (why? I don't know. No-one around here has heard of Dev, and if they have, it was me who told them).
Two days later I signed up here :)

#114781 by jon
Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:09 am
ocean machine, about 1998, the same time i discovered city.
two albums which made me realize that everything i thought i knew about music was wrong.

#114784 by Matthijs K.
Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:11 am
On my everlasting quest to find New Interesting Music, Terria was a title that popped up frequently. When I moved to Bergen op Zoom, I checked out the local alternative record store and they had it. Bought it, and was hooked immediately. Then bought AE when it was released, found SYL somewhere and then decided that everything with Dev's name on it must be in my possession :)

#114786 by funny_little_guy
Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:24 am
I heard Jupiter on a compation cd my friend made, thought it was awsome so I borrowed AE of him, loved that, bought many copies of my own :)

#114789 by Biert
Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:37 am
funny_little_guy wrote:I heard Jupiter on a compation cd my friend made, thought it was awsome so I borrowed AE of him, loved that, bought many copies of my own :)

How many copies of AE do you own? :P

(Yes I can be a funny little guy too!)

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